Another weird dreams

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So until I finish writing the chapter or get back the motivation to finish it I'm gonna tell you about another one of my weird dreams since you guys liked the last one so I went through my notepads of my dreams and two picked three of my favourites.

One where I dreamed of my own anime. One where I was running from the police and one where it was a crossover of beastars and sonic so let's go.

The first one was in the style of anime I was a boy and it was my first day of school on top of a Mountain for riches and all the boys are very submissive to the girls I'm talking like full on simps they'll walk behind them with hearts in their eyes carrying the girls stuff and the girls will call them pats I think at one point I saw sanji, I remember a guy that looked like my oc in my TW x male reader but with brown hair and no masks or scars and every time he slides into the screen he has that dreamy look on his face thinking of ways to spoil the girls the only thing you'll hear from him is a dreamy lovesick sigh I remember a girl with short brown hair and blue eyes who is the daughter of the principal and she Super sweet at one point a couple were caught making out and one of the girls as she walking up the hill said "I have a boner" and the boys looked at her shocked but you know what the bast part of it all? Is the fact that they aren't simping over one Pacific type of girls that had "perfect body" or Pacific features, no I saw girls of all body shape and skin colour, tall, short, chubby, skinny, thick, thin, and in every race you name it you'll find boys trailing behind them like puppy's like I saw a big girl with like 5 guy behind her holding her stuff with hearts in their eyes following her.

If that was an actual anime I will watch it.

Second one!

I was running from something maybe from home I don't remember I got in a big blue Bus with a family my family but they don't know me they allowed me to stay but we saw police sirens and I hid I decided to run from them so I drive the bus the I see there was a similar bus to ours that was driven uncontrollably and they thought at was ours so I drive the bus trying to lose them I think hit someone as well I kept driving until I reached the high way to got to the next city I see people dancing in the middle of the road so I hit the breaks and the bus turns over crashing I fell right in front of them they looked at me then at the police coming closer then back at me then they tell me to run with them for some reason the time slowed so I was incredibly slow so one of the guys ( which I want to mention that he was incredibly hot like he was slightly dark skin Black hair that reaches his shoulder combed back and was wearing a white suit with the Jacket open and a black button up shirt and sunglasses) he grabbed my hand to pull me forward then past me to his friend in front of him then he does the same we reached their city or village it was small and looked to be poor they take me to their home and on the way one of them talks about the News about a Princess that run away from home and the king is giving 81 million dollars to who ever finds her and Bring her back something in me told me to leave so I immediately Separated from them without them knowing I made sure they didn't see me leave I don't know why I don't remember who I am but I felt like the news had to do with me I reach the market and there's a lot of people selling stuff I walk around keeping my head down then I see sssniperwolf wearing a hijab so I decided to get one to blend in because I just noticed that I wasn't covering much and everyone was looking at me weird so I buy one from a very nice lady she showed me how to put it on I asked for the black one she said I shouldn't stay in such a bland colour I told her it observes heat or colours she thought I was a College student I said no I just Like colours she told me how cute I am and gave it to me for free and I leave not before putting them on and now I'm looking for shoes because I was barefoot I was walking around covering half of my face with the scarf because I see police walking around and the guys that helped me searching for me then the dream switched to my mom waking me up for school :')

The lost one I know I'm starting to get annoying.

So in the dream I was a male sheep and my mission is to find clothes and needed to get them from the other sheeps so I did and when I did I put them on and turned half human I was a walking sheep it was like something from beasters, anyway when I did everyone was the same as me then I was called to my father apparently he's the leader and he wanted me to marry so he introduced to me to a female sheep but I refused he got mad and said I was forced to so I turned around and ran away they all were chasing me I turned to a corner and bumped to a big woman she tried to grab me but I dodged her went to a room that had a little girl who I assumed is her daughter then I jumped out of the window and kept running at one point I fully turned human and was on the run from my father I started working in a small hotel who's the boss was a jerk and full of himself a black girl who was so sweet and there was knuckles as well then the dream switched to me on top of a moving car next to me on the road I noticed shadow and for some reason I felt like the need to hide from him so the whole time I'm on top of the car hiding my face he didn't leave but he slammed into the car making it lose Control and slammed into a wall I fell into the ground looked up to see eggman walking towards me laughing saying how my father will pay him a Fortune to get me back apparently my father paid him to bring me back I tried to get up and run but shadow was holding me tight I kept whispering to him crying begging him to let me go but he won't even listen to me but I can see the hurt and guilt in his eyes somehow I managed to escape and got back to the hotel the boss was yelling about something and I had enough so I told the girl and knuckles to leave for a moment I whispered something to Knuckles and he smirked then the dream switched to the boss turning half cat and me patting him.

Ok the last one I promise is super short and I'm going to put (you) instead of (I) this is the one that I'm considering maybe MAYBE making it to a book.

It's basically you living in a apartment and your roommates are Jade and Floyd and you don't know about their magic you think they are completely normal humans until...

Yeah that's basically it I was going to tell one about a youTuber named heyParis and her stalker but that one is looong and creepy

I want to tell you about one where I was an agent and was trying to save the universe from someone that looked that he belongs in the transformer prime show and he wants me to be his partner to avenge his dead wife but I think this is enough.

Bye my loves~

A Ninja? (Twisted Wonderland x Naruto male reader) Where stories live. Discover now