A weird dream I had

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Sorry that this isn't a chapter but I just felt the need to share this because I've been getting a lot of weird dreams and I have no one to share with and some think is fake so if you like listening to others weird dream like me then stay.

Two things you should know about me is that I'm a very light sleeper like VERY I wake up at the slightest sound or if someone's presents is near me I wake up. Like if any of my Family members walked a step in my room I wake up, like that is how much of a light sleeper I am.

And because of that sometimes I can't tell from the dream world and Reality my body could be awake but my mind is still sleeping my eyes will be slightly open but I'm still dreaming that's why I can't tell sometimes.

Now on to the dream let me sit the scenery for you.

In the dream I wake up and I was in my room and it was morning How do I know it was morning? Because I can see the light from behind my curtains and I woke up kinda groggy I sat up on my bed, like I was moving from side to side like I was drunk I don't drink by the way but it felt like that but when I sat up I see these figures in my room I remember there's 4 of them and they were Pitch black tho there was enough light in the room I couldn't see their face but I do remember their shape and height one was average height and size the Second one was very short and the third one was huge he was big he was taller then the first one but big in size which in my dream I thought it was their leader or something you'll see why.

And the last one...remember when I said I couldn't see what they looked like? I couldn't see them except one, he was tall very tall I'm talking about he reaches my ceiling and mine is very high he was very very slim he was the only one that I can see the face of.

He didn't have eyes like the upper part of his face was covered in black but he had this big smile it looked cartoony he kinda remind me of bandy 😅 is that weird? Like he had this big White gloves.

Anyway continue. Oh! Did I mention they also had horns? Yep they were F demons.

So when I sat up on the bed they all turned their heads to me at first their backs were facing me like they were discussing something but when I sat up the turned to me fas like they didn't expect me to wake up suddenly.

The tell one the bandy look alike walked up to me grabbed me by the shoulder and gently sat me up straight because I was moving from Side to side almost in a hypnotic then poked me on my chest and I gasped then fell back on the other side of the bed not where my pillow is and I don't know how to explain this but when he did that and I fell back I felt like I was moving like a worm.

And then I hear a deep laughter it wasn't a crazy or loud it was like a chuckle and before I woke up I hear in the most deep demonic voice which for some reason I knew it was from the big one.

"She's perfect"

.....yeah I think I'm going to prey before I go to bed from now on but yeah I don't know if that is a case of sleep paralysis or whatever but it reminded me of a similar dream I had a while back where I was in this red room and was pinned to the ground by a shadowy figure with red glow as the eyes and he was laughing.

But yeah tell me what's your thoughts on this and if you had similar experience and if you like to hear more I write down any weird dreams I had as soon as I wake up so I won't forget them and honestly they are Random.

I had a dream about Twisted Wonderland that I actually may make a book about it.

I had one where I was running from the police.

And one where when I woke up I was like " did I just dreamed my own Anime?" Because the sat up was an actual anime like the style was in Anime.

And that's it now I'm going back to studying for finals wish me lack.

Bye Besties~

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