🍰making things better🍰

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(This one may be short and lot of time skips so I apologise)


Ofter Che'nye left I picked sleeping grim and my stuff and head back to my room laid him down next to (p/n) and covered them then went to my desk and pulled out everything in the bag.

You:" these indeed are my stuff" I said looking over at them, my kunais, the Aid kit an extra pair of clothes and my notebooks and journals.

I picked up my journal and scanned through it and everything I ever wrote is here what I have done, Jutsu steps and new ones I'v created.

You:" but how did he find them?" I said to no one sighed and put everything back made sure the blinds are closed then climbed up the bed took off my mask and went to sleep.


I open my eyes again feeling a nice breeze hit me and something soft under me that isn't my bed I sat up and looked around me and there's nothing but trees.

You:' where am I now?' I thought I then hear footsteps behind me and Quickly got up and turned around to see Alice but she looked older and beautiful and since the first time I've seen her she's now smiling a very happy one, her eyes didn't hold fear or sadness anymore but happiness and grateful.

You:" I'm guessing I did it. Your soul is free now, you can pass on" I spoke but she shook her head and looked next to her and behind the tree came out a weirdly dressed man Ginger crazy hair with a top hat on and immediately recognised him as the mad hatter from the pictures in the book and he stood next to her and held her hand smiling at her then both looked back at me.

You:" I don't get it, why did you have me break the curse then?" I asked they didn't say anything but stepped aside and the trees started moving the giant tree branches moved revelling a whole new world it didn't look normal but in a good way it didn't look dark like before but at was shining with different bright colours I could see people and they look happy.

I looked back at Alice and the mad hatter and they're looking at each other Lovingly they looked at me and bowed as a thank you turned around and walked towards their wonderland.


I open my eyes, back in my room as usual I woke up before the sun raises I looked next to me and grim and (p/n) are asleep cuddling each other grim keeps saying he can't tolerate the (a/k) but I can tell he's grown fond of them over the time I pulled the cover more over them and got up.

You:' so she just wanted help to fix her mistake kinda sad but at least she got her happy ending' I looked over at the canvas still covered with a rag I walked to it and slipped off the cover and it didn't have the rad writing it's completely white.

You:" It's been a while since I painted, maybe with my first Paycheck I can spoil myself with some art supplies" I said to myself I dropped the blanket on the floor and headed out of the room to get ready.

Time skip~

[ knock, knock, knock]

I looked up at the sound of the door thinking it's Ace or deuce I finished fixing my tie in the mirror I Hanged up in the Lounge room, grabbed my stuff a still sleeping grim and (p/n) jumped on my shoulder still sleepy and walked out not before saying bye to the ghosts.

[Knock, knock-]

Before the Third knock happens I open the door and the hand hit my stomach I expecting ace or deuce or maybe the principal but not Riddle holding a small box you get from a pastry shop and a hand on my stomach , he flinched at the door sudden open and blushed and pulled his hand back.

A Ninja? (Twisted Wonderland x Naruto male reader) Where stories live. Discover now