12K special: security guard

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(I feel bad for not posting a chapter and the fact I haven't even started on it so here's another one of my favourites simgmproductions)

(A/n:"in this chapter all the Events of the overbolds are done and gone and everybody knows who you really are and your abilities what they still call it magic and now they simping for you Enjoy"


Sam:"CROWLEY!!!" Crowley jumped from his set when the door to his office was slammed open, sam looking worried mass breathing heavily meaning he mast have ran all the way here.

Crowley:" Sam? What happened?" He asked and sat back, Sam in seconds was in front of his desk and slammed both his hand on the desk surprising Crowley again.

Sam:" it's about (m/n)" Crowley got up from his set looking serious.

Crowley:" what happened to him?" He asked Sam looked about ready to cry.

Sam:" he..he..HE GOT ANOTHER JOB!!" he burst out hugging his shoulders Crowley looked confused until the door was slammed open again.

Crewel:" we heard that puppy got a new job" crewel said walking in with the others following behind him. (The love interest)

Crowley:" what! How?"

Azul:" Sam ran around like a mad man yelling about how his son got a new job and we know he isn't married so we immediately figured out it was (m/n) easy as that" Azul said pushing up his glasses.

Kalim:"so we came to know what happened to Jewel"

Sam:" you have to stop him Crowley!" Sam shook Crowley back and forth Crowley got him to stop and pushed him off of him.

Crowley:" what's wrong with him getting another job?" Sam glared hard at him Crowley immediately backed up.

Sam:" what's wrong!? He just left my shop talking about a job offer outside of the school and he didn't even tell me what it is and where, What if it's Dangerous one?"

Ruggie:" aren't you being a bit over protective?" Asked Ruggie Sam snapped his head to him and glared Ruggie flinched and hid behind Jack sam went back looking depressed.

Sam:" I don't understand, why would he want to get another? Did he get bored?" He said looking so sad.

Grim:" didn't you stop paying him?" He said Everyone looked at Sam, Sam stood Straight to defending himself.

Sam:" that's because I said I'll Pay for anything he needs like any good father would do, I even gave him money this morning for all three meals"

Deuce:" (m/n) always been Independent one he obviously wants to make his own money instead of depending on someone else"

Sam:" but he's still under the age for that I just wish he told me where that job is" Crewel put a hand on his shoulder.

Crewel:" you worrying to much Sam, (m/n) is a tough puppy, he told you some of his tales didn't he? He can handle himself" Sam looked down crewel was right you've been taken care of yourself for years before he came but he couldn't help it, the time he spent with you and you opening up to him, he can't help but to look at you like a son he wished for.

Crowley looked at his friend looking Upset and pitied him then a idea came to him and a smile grow on him.

Crowley:" I know! If it makes you feel better I can possibly show where he is" he said Sam head shot up.

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