M/n info

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Name: (m/n) (c/n)

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Name: (m/n) (c/n)

Age: 16

Looks: 202cm in height, has a VERY Will build body, long hair that he keeps in a ponytail or let down, mismatch eyes one is grey while the other one is (e/c), has a lot and I mean a lot of scars all over his body and face.

Face? (M/n) always hides the lower part of his face with a mask because.

1. He doesn't want them to recognise him if he ever comes across them.

2.he has a massive scar that goes from his chin across his lips so it made him insecure about his face.

Personality: (m/n) is a gentle giant, he knows his strength so he tries to be careful handling anyone, soft spoken and kind but that doesn't mean he isn't serious, he can be cold and heartless sometimes only of your on his bad side or if you got him mad.

On the back of his body there's a tattoo that covers his whole back of a dragon and a Tiger battling each other and on it there's writing in Japanese if you asked why he got it he'll tell you that he got just to look more intimidating and it looks cool but in reality is actually a seal.

Likes: his parents, his friends and his pet (A/k). He likes to draw sometimes to pass the time and reading. He loves to meditate it relaxes him so much.

Dislikes: his parents and village killers he despise of them absolutely HATES them. Traitors, in the beginning it may look like he already trusts you but don't be fooled he does that to see if you'll let your guard down and try to do something bad but if you actually got his trust and you betrayed it! Oh boy good luck getting that trust back that if you served.

More fun facts!

-(M/n) is allergic to chestnuts.

-his cooking is just 😘👌🏻 so if your dating him you got that ✨special ✨treatment you don't need to cook any more got your own personal chef.

-(m/n) doesn't like sweets that much he'll still eat them but won't over do it he likes to eat them with a cup of tea to wash down the sweets.

-if he accepts you as his friend you're officially on his to protect list don't fight it.

-his body somehow is always warm is good and bad sometimes it's good for the cold days to stay warm at all times since he's always out on missions or helping around in the village but it's annoying in hot days that's why he sleeps nude.

This one is important ⬇️

-(m/n) isn't at all dense about feelings yes he never experienced it after his tragedy and he completely shut himself down from it but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what love is he had his fair share of [ coughs harshly] experience with man so he sees how others are looking at him he can see the love the lust the adore in them but he chooses to ignore them.

If there's anything you should know about (m/n) is that he's a ✨tease A sadistic one he loves to teas the heck out of someone he loves the cute face they make and how much they do just to get his attention, to him it's very adorable but he knows he can't gave it to them for that long.

So why is he acting so dense about it? Because he doesn't want them to get too attached to him but he doesn't want to break their hearts so he tries to give all of them equal amount of attention and affection but still act like he doesn't know but if he did have feelings for someone he won't AT ALL confess.

Because? Because he believes that a relationship choosing someone to be your partner in live and (m/n) knows he won't be alive for it.

(A/n:" I need a little help here😅 I can't figure out what Floyd will call (m/n) all I can think of is little fish and lobster-kun you guys are way more creative than me please help)

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