🦁Long live the king🦁

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It's the end of the day finally, after Riddle apology tea party and making things Right with him I went back to sam and apologised for what happened and continued working.

I head back to the dorm changed my clothes and went straight to bed after saying good night to grim and (p/n).

I feel a warm wind hit me and hear heavy footsteps coming closer and the loud sound of elephants?

I shut my eyes open to see an elephant foot coming down at me I quickly put my arms in front of my face I waited but the foot never came I open my one eye and Removed my arms to see the foot right through my stomach I tried to Touch it but like the last dream my hand goes right through it.

I let out a sigh of relief and got up looking around seeing many animals heading in one Direction so I followed them until they suddenly stopped and was looking up with excitement I walked to the front and looked up to see a lion and a lioness walking to a cliff behind them is a elderly monkey and he was holding something in his arms.

The elderly monkey walked in front of them and stood at the edge of the cliff he looked back at the lion and smiled then uncovered his arms revealing a cub and lifted him up in the air showing him to everyone the clouds departed and the sun shined only on him the animals cheered with happiness.

And I just noticed that everything in this dream is grey there's no colours the only one with a colour is the cub the last one was the same but I could see some colours but this one was colourless except the cub.

I feel my eyes starting to close I guess it means it's time for my to wake up but before I gave in I noticed something, behind the lion at the entrance of the Cave I see green eyes glaring at the lion and cub with hatred and jealousy.

I was Confused but worried of that but closed my eyes ready to wake up but I didn't miss those sharp eyes glancing at me as I fell backwards.

I slowly open my eyes back in my room staring at my ceiling thinking of what I just dreamed I don't know if it's just a normal one or something similar to Riddle's ancient.

My thoughts were stopped when I hear weird growling next to me I sat up looked next seeing (p/n) on their stomach their head on their hands rocking their legs back and forth they noticed me turned their head to me put a finger to their mouth then pointed at a still sleeping grim.

He was making weird noises in his sleep either roar or growl I raised an eyebrow and looked at (p/n) who was trying not laugh so loud.

Grim:" Nngonya~ How's that... do you understand the power of the great grim" he cheered in his sleep (p/n) was now holding their stomach and covering their mouth I sighed and reached my arm to wake him up.

You:"grim wake up" before my hand reached him it was grabbed by (p/n)  shaking their head.

You:" I get that is funny but he needs to wake up that it's self is difficult for him" I said glancing at the wall clock seeing we have at least an hour before school weirdly I didn't wake up earlier.

Grim:" I showed that tyrant. Riddle who's boss~... Ffgah?" His eyes opened wide then sat up and looked around him I quickly put on my mask.

Grim:"what? The Ramshackle dorm?" He then looked at us.

You:" good morning almighty grim, did you sleep well? By the way you sounded it was great" I teased and (p/n) covered their mouth grim ears dropped with disappointment.

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