🥀Down with the bloody Queen🥀

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It's finally lunchtime and grim couldn't wait anymore telling me to hurry up we walked in the crowded noisy cafeteria grabbed a tray and start looking at the options.

Grim:"Uwaah! Everything always looks so good here" he said taking a big sniff of the food and drooled.

You:" pretty amazing that they have a buffet, in the Academy you need to bring your own lunch" I said looking over at the food there were so many different type of food cooked in many different ways there's vegetables and fruits type of food but my eyes landed on a bowl of ramen, a steaming hot ramen smoke still coming from it that's how I know it was just made and it was at the very end of the Table I need to get one before it all goes out.

Grim:"Fluffy omurice! Grilled chicken and bacon egg tarts!!!!" He shouted right next to my ear I glared at him and went back looking for food good for (p/n) I didn't need anything else but that Ramen.

Ace:" you're too loud!! you're only this excited during lunch!" Said Ace surprised by his Big energy that didn't existed in the beginning of classes.

Grim:"Hey, hey ,hey I want some grilled chicken! is the last one! And omurice too, bread with jelly too, just take a bunch of everything" shouted grim again in my ear.

You:"stop shouting. And you're only getting one thing with a drink The headmaster gave me just enough to last me until I fined a job" I said as I grabbed some fruits/meat (p/n) wanted.

Grim:"Ugh fine I want the grilled chicken" he said jumping off of me and grabbed the chicken sandwich he was about to jump back but he hit a student by accident making him almost drop his Tray.

Grim:"Ah!" Grim fell down still holding the chicken.

Delinquent A:"Aaaaah!? Watch it! Cause of you the egg in my pasta broke!" Yelled the White haired guy at grim I was a bit confused, is he mad just because an egg yolk broken al over his pasta?.

Delinquent B:" Woah, woah, woah~ Breaking the gooey egg is the best part of eating carbonara" the rad haired guy said smiling With Evil at his friend who is raging right now.

Delinquent B:" how do you plan to Pay for this" he shouted at grim, and grim looked scared.

Delinquent A:"Hand over the that grilled chicken as consolation and we'll call it even" he said and grim was Shocked.

Grim:"Ffgna! Hell no! This is my chicken" glared grim at them and that made them more angry.

Delinquent B:"Ah? Not showing your senpai respect as freshman? Come around back!" He said I don't know what he meant by come around back but I'm guessing he's asking him for a fight and that's when we walked closer before it gets worse. But honestly if he wants a fight I don't mind.

Deuce:"S-senpai, settling personal squabble with magic is prohibited..." he was cut off by the guy.

Delinquent A:" Squabble? This is just seniors teaching their juniors proper behaviour" he said cracking his knuckles now the whole cafeteria stayed silent looking at us and I started to get pissed off by him but I promised Crowley no fights.


You:" deuce, move out of the way please" I said grabbed his shoulder and gently push him away giving him my tray and stood in front of the delinquents staring down at them I can tell they're nervous by someone almost towering over them but what I don't get is the small blush on them.

You:" is there a problem?" I said

Delinquent A:" Yes. That stupid monster destroyed my lunch" he said angrily I looked down at his tray and his food is perfectly fine except for the egg yolk that's now covering it.

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