🥀  down with a bloody Queen🥀

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Location - kitchen


Trey:"welcome back! You sure picked quite a bit"said Trey looking up from the book he's reading as we walked in the kitchen and put the baskets on The counter.

Grim:"with this we can make a huge tart" grim jumped from my shoulder to stand next to the baskets.

Trey:"Peeling all this is going to be a challenge but... Let's get to it" said Trey rolling up his sleeves.

Deuce:"All of this...there's no end is sight" muttered deuce looking already tired.

Trey:"Making sweets is all about preparation"

You:"he's right, and the Earlier we start the earlier we get done" I said as took off my jacket and put it on a chair and rolled up my sleeves.

Ace:"Yeah yeah, we get it! I'm so ready to get this over with" as he was about to pick one of the chestnuts I lately smacked his hand.

Ace:"OW! what's that for!" Yelled Ace rubbing his hand glaring at me.

You:"you need to wash your hands first" I said pointing at the sink.

Ace:"But I'm wearing gloves there's no need"

You:" doesn't matter I've seen these gloves Touch a lot of things today, And everybody knows the first rule of cooking or baking is to wash your hands"

Trey:" he's right you need to always wash your hands before doing anything in the kitchen" he said and all of us took off our gloves and start washing our hands taking turns in the sinks grim complaint not wanting to touch the water but I told him if he doesn't then he can't help us and if he didn't then he won't try the tart and with that he gave in.

before I started I tied my hair up and when I looked at them they had a small blush on them staring at me I rise an eyebrow.

You:"something wrong?" I asked they fake cough and shook their heads I still sceptical shrugged my shoulders and finished putting my hair up.

We started peeling the chestnuts and putting them in a giant bowl Ace  deuce and grim were having a difficult time especially grim with his paws while me Trey and (p/n) were going pretty fast but I sometimes struggled with my big hands I noticed Trey glancing at me couple of times more pacifically at my arms.

You:"is there something Trey? you keep glancing at me" I said not looking away from my work but did see him blushed embarrassed that he got caught.

Trey:"S-sorry I just couldn't help but notice the scars on your arms" he said and all of them looked at them.

Ace:"Oh yeah! there like all over you're body "

Deuce:" where are they from? If you don't mind telling" he said and hear concern and his voice I shook my head.

You:" No it's fine, I don't mind, there not from self harm if that's what you're thinking. There from battles I was in, in my world" I said and all of them looked amused.

Trey:" whoa! Really!? what type of battle?"

You:" fighting against people who is trying to kill you or trying to harm the village it could happen any minutes if you're outside the gates it could go from low to high ranking people Who'll try to eliminate you for no reason out of no where"

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