🦁Long live the king🦁

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(A/n: I know this was supposed to be the tournament but I'm making it the next chapter and I'm adding A new scene in the dream I know it isn't in the game but I added for the sake of the plot)

I slowly open my eyes expecting the sky or something else but didn't expect my ceiling I sat up seeing I'm still in my room that's odd I'm supposed to be in one of those visions I noticed a bright light and looked to see it's coming from the mirror I got up from the bed looked at my hands to notice they are see through I looked back at the bed to see my sleeping body still there I looked back at the mirror walked towards it and stopped in front of it took a deep breath and walked right into it I closed my eyes as the light covered me.

I slowly open my eyes again seeing the grey sky and feel the hard Rocky service I sat up and looked around trying to identify where I am I then looked in front of me to see that dark lion at the edge of a cliff holding down to something I got up and walked closer to see him holding onto another lion his claws were digging in his paws drawing blood that lion looked horrified trying to cling onto the racks while a River of moose below us not stopping anytime soon.


The lion Threatening to fall called for the other lion or his brother pleading for help but all the brother did was smirk and lean closer to his face.

"Long live the king" he said with a evil smile before letting got of him and pushing him off I watched as he fall looking up at his brother in shock and Betrayal from his own blood he fell into the stream of moose disappearing under them I wanted to jump down the animal will go right through me so I won't be harmed but now I couldn't move of all time is now I tried to break free but it feels like the weights of Metal chains are holding me down.

"You can't save them" I hear the lion say still staring down smiling wickedly I glared at him and tried harder to break free I looked down to see the moose are gone and there is that lion laying dead on the ground and a little cup slowly walking towards him nudging him with his head shaking him before he collapsed down in despair.

I suddenly got to move again and I slide down the cliff and walked towards the cup hearing him cry muttering "dad" and "I'm sorry" I stood behind him looking down at him crying I Crouched down and reached my hand for his head to comfort him but when I brought my hand down it went right through him I stared at my hand on the ground and clinched my hand in anger I looked up at the lion staring down at us I glared at him hard in pure Hatred as he stared at me back in joy loving everything happening right now.

I looked down seeing the cup looking up at me in tears "it's my-my fault but I-I didn't mean to-o" he said his voice cracking I wanted to speak but nothing is coming out.

I feel my eyelids lowering meaning this dream is coming to an end I feel myself falling backwards the cup looked at me horrified he reached his paw for me like he was pleading for me not to go as a lion Figure was walking closer but before I can reach back I hit the ground and everything went back.


I open my eyes seeing I'm back and fully awake I sat up looking around the dark room then looked down at my two sleeping friends I carefully moved them to get out of the bed when I was about to get up I hissed in a sudden pain from my right hand when I pushed on it I brought it up and now noticed the blood tracking down my arm I turned it to see three deep lines they didn't look like they were done one by one but at ones it looked like something clawed my hand.

I got up and quietly but quickly took my school uniform and went to the bathroom to clean my hand and bandage it when I finished I dressed up and went out it was dead silence so I'm guessing it's still about 1 or 2am enough time for me I know what to do just like last time I'm going to the Library to find anything about that line find out who is the dissented and help them.

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