chapter 4 - Ramshackle Dorm

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(Remember when I said m/n/you is 6'2? Yeah scratch that, I don't know how tall he is but you are as tall as Malleus without the horns. So yeah pretty tall"

Now that everyone is gone it's just me and the headmaster I turned around to him giving him my full attention.

Crowley:"(coughs).Now then, I'm terribly sorry about this but...we must have you leave the school" he said and I nodded.

You:"I can understand that, it's obvious I don't belong here I have my own home and school that's way different than this" I said and he smiled.

Crowley:" thank you for understanding. Now, come closer to the mirror and picture your home in your mind as clearly as you can the Dark Mirror could bring you back safely" he said gesturing me in front of the mirror.

I stood in front of the mirror and close my eyes taking a deep breath I pictured myself in The village hidden in the leaf my new home ,my Academy, my friends I felt myself smiling Picturing myself sitting with My friends from different teams laughing and enjoying each other.

Crowley :"oh Dark mirror, Guide this lost one Back to the place they belong".


I glanced at the mirror then at Crowley quite nervous.

Crowley:"once more....oh Dark mirror! Guide this-"

"It is nowhere "

You/Crowley:"Eh!?!?" both of us yelled I narrowed my eyes at the mirror.

"The place where he belong
Does not exist in this world"

The mirror narrowed its eyes at me and I stared back neither of us blinked I don't even know if that thing blinks.' What does he mean that my home doesn't exists' I kept glaring at the mirror but fear is starting to rise inside of me does that mean I'm never going back?.

Crowley: "what did you say? That's unbelievable! Hmm, well, the unbelievable has been on a parade today "exclaimed Crowley me and the mirror kept staring at each other until his the hols for eyes widened, huh.

Crowley: this is the first time it's ever happened since I become the headmaster. Tell me, where exactly did you come from?"

I stayed silent for a moment 'should I tell him where I am from? Maybe I should he may help me go back ,but what if he is dangerous? I can't put the village in danger I promised I'll protect them with my life'I looked at Crowley he's waiting for my answer I looked down at (p/n) in my hands they looked back at me and seem to know exactly what I'm thinking and nodded their head Agreeing that I should tell him I trust (p/n) more than anyone so if they tell me to lie or tell the truth I'll do it.

You:"I'm from Konoh Village or the village hidden in the leaf "When I said that the headmaster looked confused

Crowley:"well that's an odd name for a place" 'and you telling me twisted Wonderland isn't?' "I generally know where all my students come from but I never even heard that name" he put a hand on his chin searching in his mind for any place that relate to mine

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