Chapter twenty eight.

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"When you're born in a burning house, you think the entire world is on fire.
But it's not."

Richard Kadrey.

ASTRID HAD ONLY BEEN SCARED three times in her entire life. The first time when her— Aria's— parents died, the second time when she was right about to take someone else's life, and the third a moment before Aria had fallen to the floor. Gasping and shaking and sobbing.

Astrid huffed and tried to stop her fingers from shaking under the table. This was another one of those rare times when she was truly afraid.

The lack of food was seriously getting to her. The deal with Marina might have given Astrid's mind to focus onto something but it was snatching her sanity. She was overworked.

"Introduce yourself." The woman sitting across the table instructed Astrid, "Can we record the conversation? It might come in handy to us."

She had so many names. Fake names, but still. Which one should she use?

She can't use the Sinclair or the Knight surnames. Astrid Sinclair was presumed dead seven years ago and Astrid Knight never existed until two years ago.

"Astrid Romano." She introduced herself and the woman blinked in surprise. "You can record the conversation."

Astrid crossed her legs under the table, and clamped her hands together to stop them from shaking. This was happening too fast, too quick for her brain to come up with a plan. They had wasted no time in forcing her here or to start the procedure.

Too fast, too quick.

A buried, devious part of her was impressed the non-outlaws could do everything so efficiently. Maybe it was time she should stop underestimating the law.

"Alright, Ms. Romano." The woman drawled her name before smiling at her, no kindness offered but suspicion, "Why were you running away from the party?"

"I saw someone I shouldn't have." Truth. The best lies were always the ones hidden right near the truth.

"And who was that?"

"Someone I didn't want to be seen by."

"Can you give us a name?"

"I'm afraid that's personal, officer. I hope you can respect that." Do. Not. Lie. She was under no obligation to say something she didn't want to. The law or anyone else wouldn't make her do that.

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