Chapter twenty five.

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"The heart is an arrow,
It demands aim to land true."


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Age: 20 years.
Explosives and Weapons.
Height: 6'1
Brown hair, green eyes.

"It's immortality, my darlings."


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-E Z R A-


The name had haunted him for the years he had worked for Marina. Had competed with her, had fought and bled beside her. But he never could trust someone as selfish as her. Yes, Ezra Martinez had worked beside her and had her back, but he was bound to Marina as long as he lives. It was a debt that could not be payed with money but blood.

She had changed her name, Ezra noticed. Maybe she wanted to dust off all the nightmares that came with that name. He couldn't be sure.

And if he was being completely honest with himself, he didn't care either.

Marina wasn't a trusting person, but apparently she trusted her; forcing Ezra to work with her too.

She had announced the trip to The Cage on the next day after they were briefed. Ezra felt it all a bit rushed- but who was he to question all these decisions? He was a soldier, an agent and he was to follow and be brave. Anything other than that, doesn't end well.

So today, Nate, Alec, Ezra and Astrid were going to fight against each other- no, not fight. They were being tested.

They were all gathered in a line as Marina explained them the rules, which were quite simple, no weapons, no cheating and no serious injury except a few bruises.

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