Chapter three.

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(Adj.) Mysterious and entrancing;
ordinary Understanding.



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They were all related and they, albeit I was too but I didn't soend a single moment them like they had. They had each other's back when no one else would have. I was intruding on something personal not to mention I am a stranger to them and them to me.

I was clueless to what they like, or how they think. I was clueless whether they wanted to kill me... or they wanted to use my skills.

I looked around, they- we looked so much like each other.

I hated it. I hated the hope and love that shone in their eyes as soon as they saw me. I hated that they cared about me. I hated that they looked ready to tear apart the at my order.

Like I was someone important to them.

"My phone," I said, leaning against the door frame, my leg crossed across another, "Where is it?"

"Eat," The oldest man said, as he casually ate the food placed in the plate in front of me, "Then we'll talk."

"My phone," I repeated, raising an eyebrow, "where is it?"

"Eat," He said in the same tone. The scene repeating as is it were a recorded in a camera, "Then we'll talk."

"Where is my fucking phone," my calm voice rung. I was never a patient person, and this man was really testing my limits.

"Eat." He said, patiently- faint amusement dripping off his words.

I didn't argue this time. I didn't have enough bullets to back me up, I case I pissed them off.

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