Chapter twenty six.

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"I don't like
The memories
Because the tears
Come way too easily
And once again I break
My promise to myself for
A day.

It's a constant battle.

A war between
Wanting to remembering—

—And Wanting to forget."

TW: Minor mentions of sexual assault. Discretion is advice. Starts and ends at * Please talk to someone you trust:)

MARINA'S FATHER HAD TAUGHT HER many, many things before he died

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MARINA'S FATHER HAD TAUGHT HER many, many things before he died. He had taught her how to use a gun, how to quietly spy for information, what to do when you were held at the gun point, how to play football, and how to cook without burning the entire building down.

He had taught her how to read people. He taught her that the eyes were always the window to what a person was feeling. That eyes would always betray the person, that the eyes never lied. Marina thought she had been the mistress of her own actions.

Marina knew what she was about to do would break the remaining trust Astrid had in her. Knew she would realize leaving Marina in charge was a mistake. Knew she would lose a loyal soldier. She knew...

And yet...

And yet, she had done the one thing she swore she would never do. Did the one thing she was disgusted by. Did the one thing she once was victim to too.

It brought back memories. Feelings of need for the desperate, false freedom. She over her mouth with her hands. The same blood stained hands she had scrubbed and scrubbed until they were red in hopes of getting the mental scars off from her too.

Nathan and Alec had screamed, and Astrid had gasped.

Even fucking Astrid had gasped.

Marina looked down to her crimson dripping hands, the way the hot blood ran down her fingers nauseated her. Oh, holy fucking god— what had she done...?

What the hell had she done?

Her gaze slid to Astrid, she let all the confusion, misery and darkness show in them. She couldn't remember what had happened a few moments ago.

She was angry...

And then her vision was covered by the white-hot power of the fury that hit her as a wave, consuming her until she was drowning, drowning, drowning—

Her head was killing her. She had been angry that Astrid had been hurt, a small bruise was already forming under her eye.

Her gaze slid back to the brown-haired boy, panting desperately for air. Ezra's body was trembling almost as badly as Marina's own. Crimson was oozing from the gash right above hus heart. He had missed by a few lucky inches.

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