Chapter eleven.

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"The hardest part of healing was to convince myself
That I was enough and that
I deserve to be loved."

Slight mention of Eating Disorder at the end of the chapter. Warning is to
Be taken.

You're not alone,
Please tell someone.

"You need to bring someone Ash," Jonathan sighed from his side of the line

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"You need to bring someone Ash," Jonathan sighed from his side of the line.

"I could just—" I shrugged, I have no fucking idea who I was about to bring. I suppose I could always take Al or Nate; but..."—I could go with Simone."

Jonathan was— is a very important person in my way to recovery. He didn't know me, not really. But I payed him to take it upon himself to heal that part of me which was still broken, which needed to be fixed.

Maybe he pities me, or maybe he doesn't, I never really cared. But he never let that pity show. And I was thankful for that.

"Simone already found someone, Ash. Besides the aim is to have someone over eighteen," He sighed, "Al told me you are with your biological family."

"Do. Not. Suggest. What. I. Think. You. Are. About. To," I said, every word clearly as if I were speaking to a four year old.

"Why don't you just bring one of them?" He asked, completely ignoring what I'd said prior.


"You already skipped twice, Ash." I could hear the disappointment in his voice, "I can't let you do that again,"

"Just—" I breathed, pausing, "—there must be some other way."

No was going to know why I was with Jonathan. No one needed to know about it. I can't let anyone know... I can't...

"You know what happened last time, Ash." He said, "I can't let that happen again. You're doing great, you just need to show it someone."

"I coul—"

"I'm glad we're on the same page," He scoffed with amusement. And though I couldn't see him, I know he was grinning ear to ear, "Have a good day and I'll see you tomorrow."

The beep of the call indicated me that he hung up the call. I didn't know who I was going to take with me. An adult... someone over eighteen...

I could ask Luc.


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