Chapter fifteen.

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"You should always be
careful of someone who
has managed the art of lying."

CROUCHING BEHIND THE BUSHES WITH her siblings, Astrid muttered profanities

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CROUCHING BEHIND THE BUSHES WITH her siblings, Astrid muttered profanities. They had been stuck in the same damn place for one and a half an hour, observing when the patrols changed. And so far they had no luck. They needed a distraction.

The trick of distraction was to attract attention to wrong places and devise the brain into such a way that it forgot what the initial purpose was. And if Astrid were being completely honest, she had a hundred different ploy and decoys she could think of to create a distraction. Even being half-drunk and half-sober.

"This is useless," Astrid whispered to her older brother. Her legs had gone numb and she wasn't sure how long she could stay in the same position, "We need to create a distraction."

"You got any ideas, smart ass?" Luc whispered back. He knew she was right. She always was, but what could they even use to create a distraction.

"Many," She answered. She could a throw a twig in another way, light one of the cars on fire, knock them out, seduce them and if none of those work she always has bullets.

"We aren't killing, seducing or knocking them out," Luc whispered again. Killing and knocking them meant dragging the bodies to a safe place and that would take time. Enough time for one of the other guards to find the body and alert their father. And seducing? He wasn't about to let his half-drunk sister do something like that. Never would.

Sneaking into his own home like a thief, such great actions.

"I could always blow something," Astrid hissed.

"Attracts too much attention," Luc answered. They needed to hurry her twin was almost passed out and she wasn't sure she could carry him all the way to her room.

"Do you really not know when the guards change their shifts?" Astrid whispered.

"They change almost every three days. Sue me if I'm not checking in every three days."

For fuck sake.

"We can't be caught on the camera," Luc said more to himself than to Astrid. Astrid blinked, she couldn't let all the alcohol get to her. Not right now.

"What the hell are you doing?" Luc almost yelled at his sister. They would be in knee deep shit right now if they were caught and Astrid just took put her phone.

"We can't be caught if there are no cameras," Astrid remarked, furiously typing on her phone, "And it's always nice to know more about the people around you."

Astrid continued typing and though she wasn't great at all this electronic bullshit, Austin had taught her how to break in between the codes, decode them and even a bit of satellite cryptals.

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