Chapter twenty three.

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"If I can not be better than them,

Then I will become so much worse."

-Jude Duarte
(or Holly Black)

Astrid Knight doesn't do love

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Astrid Knight doesn't do love. She didn't do feelings and she certainly isn't one of those kids who were content with being in a football team.

No. Astrid Knight-Romano was the type of person who depended on herself. Astrid Knight-Romano was the type of person who believed that she should be the one with brains and skills- something when combined was dangerous.

Astrid Knight-Romano was that one student with a wild brain, was that one student who always aimed high.

And to be very frank, Marina herself was surprised Astrid even decided to show up.

"Sharing all my darkest secrets, are ya'?" She leaned against the wall, the same wall where the guard had took a watch at, "No one likes a snitch, Mar."

"I see your humor is still the same." The woman flinched looking at the nasty bruise forming on the guard's face, "You should apologize to the poor guy when he wakes up."

She held up a dismissal hand, "You are the rude one here, Mar." She smiled, "You should have just called me. Taking my brother away from his home- It must have troubled you."

"I suppose I wasn't the only one who was troubled." She stood behind Austin, gripping his hair and pulling his head upwards, she pointed her gun to his jaw, "Though, my agent was the one who did most of my work."

"Of course." Astrid muttered as if she was remembering some buried memory, "You were never the one to wipe your own arse."

Marina chuckled, "You always made sure my ass was clean, Falcon."

Okay, t-that sounded outright disgusting when Marina said that out loud.

"I am surprised you decided to show up." Marina whispered, moving the gun to Austin's cheek bone.

"Best sister of the year, eh?" She tilted her head, as if daring her to go further ahead of Austin's face.

"I want to collect my favor, Astrid." She said calmly, coming back to where the gun originally rested- Austin's jawline, "And you are going to give that in, whether you want it or not."

"Get. Fucked." The refusal was what Marina had already expected, and that was the reason Austin was here. So she pressed the gun harder on his jaw, drawing blood.

She always had to resist. She had to resist the fucking protocols, she had to find her own damn way and she had to be forced to think like an agent. She always had that criminal blood running through her veins.

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