Chapter eighteen.

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Someone who hides pain

Behind a smile; a person who

Doesn't want to burden
Others with their


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ASTRID WAS NOT AN EMOTIONAL person. She was cold and she was hard and she was unyielding and she wasn't compassionate. Luciano knew how she was, so why was he hoping for her to slap him and tell him to stop daydreaming?Astrid was not an emotional person.

Luciano Romano entered men's restroom, his legs trembling with fatigue. Walking over, he leaned over the sink, his hair falling over his brows. He wanted to yell, to scream, to...

He wanted this feeling to go.

That helpless rage burned inside of him, he didn't want to wait. How was he supposed to wait when his family was dying?

A quiet sob left him. His tears almost burned as they fell down his face.

"What had gone wrong?" He whispered to himself in between his sobs. They were in the room, then Leo was scolding them, and he was trying not to burst out in a fit of laughter. And then...

Astrid had gone to answer a phone call.

It could've been a decoy, to lure her out. But, who was stupid (or brave) enough to speak past The Italin's house and manage to attack her. Were they skilled or was it pure stupidity?

He needed to know what had happened. And he was going to make them pay.

Leo and Astrid deserved to be avenged. And if his family was too busy grieving-

Then he'd do it himself.


Austin was a happy person and he was sure that this was probably the most depressed he's ever been.


He couldn't even eat his chips without feeling guilty.

Austin wasn't at the hospital, not really. He wanted to be there, when Leo or Astrid woke up, he really did. But he just... couldn't bring himself to get up from the bed.

The overly neat lab sickened him. It was a constant reminder of what had gone wrong in the past few hours. Or was it days?

He didn't know.

His gaze swept over the usual things that always seemed to be here. In Ash's room.

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