Chapter five.

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I really do.

But, fuck-

The awkward silence that took over the dinner was suffocating. The clank of spoons and forks against the plates was loud- or at least it felt like it.

The silence was defeaning, even Austin was squirming quietly out of how uncomfortable he was.

"This is fucking awkward," I whispered to Austin, nudging him silently, "Is this always like this?"

Austin stiffled a laugh, "Not really, no."

Another reminder that I'm a stranger. I can't really blame them considering I am the one distancing myself, it just... I don't even know how to describe it.

"The school's starting next week, Austin," His- I guess now mine too- mother said, "Do you have everything you need?"

"" He said, not looking from his plate.


"No," I answered, gulping down my food, "I actually have nothing to do."

"Then you don't go to school anymore?"

"Oh, I do." I answered, "Just for the hell of it."

I mean, I never liked school. There were way too many rules for someone as... wild as me. The fact that I could only eat at a specific given time just pissed me off, every damn time.

Besides the fact that I had to socialise.

The buzz of my phone snapped all the attention to me. I rolled my eyes, before picking up.

"Where are you?" Nate's voice came from behind.

"Hello to you too," I mumbled, rolling my eyes, "And the answer is out."

"I mean it, where the hell are you?"

"Not in London," I scoffed. Did he really forgot that I'm staying with the Romano's? "What's wrong?"

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