Chapter twelve.

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"It's not that you don't want
To believe me,
It's that you don't want to
Believe me."

Trigger Warning: mentions of eating disorder.

4 Years ago

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4 Years ago..


These were the words Astrid would use to describe her current situation.

The angency had punished her for failing her mission. Her hands moved to put the pressure on her wound situated right above her abdominal area.

Crimson was oozing from her wound, and pain spreading across her body like a forest caught on fire.

Her body burnt. At this point, she couldn't even tell if it was there or not. From the past 4 years of hell, she has lived in she had gotten used to pain.

Because that's the deal with pain. It demands to be felt.

The angency was a Russian government association that sends out assassins to Eliminate a threat. And the assassins are punished if they fail.

They might be legal, but torturing teenagers is just horrendous. Each and every child is brain washed and made into killing machines, that are used to protect their country.

And the only way out of The agency? Death.

The gash on Astrid's abdominal area was only the part one of her punishment. The second part was yet to come.

The guards pushed her into another cell. A new one, that Astrid had yet to see.

Oh, how she wished she could escape this sick organization.

She was dreading this part. The 14 year old knew, it wasn't going to end well for her. The second part was always done in a sick way, that snatches away your sanity.

Agent 1107. That was Astrid's name.

The cell was unlike any other. The other cells were plain brick, with a mattress and a single light illuminating the cell.

While this-

This was different. It was plain white, with an air conditioner, an intercom and a watch glass, from where a person could keep a look on the entire room.

The guards tied her down to the metal chair, with metal chains and locked it with a sound of 'click'.

She knew the drill. Something horrible was going to happen and they would try to break her down.

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