Chapter six.

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"That strong urge to
Leave everything and have
A vacation."


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A FEW DAYS AFTER MY... disagreement with Luciano, I had kept a respectful distance between everyone from my family.

"Hey there, baby sis!" Austin barged in my room.

Everyone but Austin.

Clingy bastard.

"I'm pretty sure Alessandro told me I am the older twin." I said, folding the sleeves of my brown jacket.

"We are twins, so it doesn't really matter." He scoffed casually. "Wait..." He paused looking at my out fit which consisted of white tank top, high-waisted jeans and my leather jacket, "You're going out?"

I nodded, folding the sleeves on the other sleeve of the jacket.

"Can I come?" He questioned, looking at me innocently.

"Do you even know where I'm going?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"I don't really give a fuck," He said, plopping the chip in his mouth, "And I have nothing better to do."

"I mean... I don't see why not."

"I'm ready." Austin said, looking himself in the full length mirror in my closet.

"You're literally wearing sweatpants, Austin." I said, rubbing my temples. I'm not a patient person and coming with me looking like a homeless man isn't exactly the best thing in the world.

"What's wrong with sweatpants?" He asked, looking at me like an innocent new born baby.

"You look like a homeless man."


"What do you mean good?" I asked, folding my arms in front of my chest.

"At least no one will try to rob me." He said, combing his hair with my comb.

"Then why are you combing your hair, Austin?"

"I might look homeless, but my hair is worth billions. Shut your judgemental ass." He scoffed, looking at me through the mirror. He winked at himself and gave a thumbs-up, "You're looking amazing, my love." He said to himself.

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