Chapter twenty nine.

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"Maybe I'm just hard to love

And easy to leave."


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"HOW CAN ONE BE SO cruel?" Aria huffed— She was grounded the second time this month. She fell back on the bed and sprawled her hands in a dramatic manner.

"Technically seeing it was your fault." Astrid said without looking up from her book, a small smile playing on her lips. Both Aria and Eve were... passionate and opinionated and it often felt like Marcus was a refree between those two women.

"She's a buzzkill." Aria complained with a pout, "She can't even take a prank!"

Astrid sighed, this wasn't the first time this had happened and it looked it wouldn't be the last time either. Though, it gave Astrid something to focus on other than her books, it could sometimes be exhausting to listen Aria blabber about how stupid the reason for grounding was.

"C'mon you know it was your fault." Astrid shrugged and closed her book— 'To kill a Mockingbird'. "Besides dumping a whole pack of flour on your mother would hardly be considered a harmless prank."

"It didn't seem to kill so it might be considered as harmless."

Astrid thought for a moment, then sighed, "The flour could have entered via her mouth and nose and ears and it could've blocked her Olfactory and Vestibulocochlear nerve—"

"Alright, I got it, jeez!" Aria sat back on the bed, her legs folded beneath her.

Astrid snickered.

"Wanna know what I'm about to get?" Aria grinned.

"On my nerves?" Astrid meekly whispered. Aria's plans were either extraordinarily amazing or pathetically ironic. There was no in between.

Aria pouted but said, "I have a pla—"

Marcus creaked the door open, his cheeky grin on his face, like it always had been. Astrid couldn't understand how someone could always be so happy, glowing even.

"There's my favorite girls in the entire world," He wrapped his arms around Aria and Astrid smiled, "But don't tell that to your mother." He whispered.

When Astrid didn't join in on the embrace, Marcus tugged at her hands and pulled both the girls tightly against him. Astrid groaned in annoyance, but all of them knew how much she like when Marcus did that.

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