Chapter thirteen.

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A vague feeling of sorrow
Or sadness
Seemingly without
A cause.


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I WAS NEVER GOOD WITH controlling my anger. The rapid, soul-consuming waves of red hot power of the feeling blinded my rationality.

I clenched my fingers tightly on the steel spoon, trying to leash my anger.

Let it go, That irrational voice said, they don't even care 'bout you. Why are you caring for them? Why are you getting attached?

Had I been an irational person, I would have chose to go with it. I wouldn't have tried to stop my anger.

"You told them," I whispered. Though, I was sure that all of them had heard.

Alessandro didn't reach to meet my gaze. He looked down, not in shame, but... guilt. Guilt that he betrayed my trust.

"It wasn't his fault, bambina." Leo sighed, placing the spoon down, "It was my fault actually."

"And how exactly is it your fault?" I crooned, that icy rage burning. I straightened myself, gritting my teeth.

"I asked him where he was," Leo said, leaving his seat and nearing his daughter's, "He told me he was in London. With you."

"Y'all can shove your pity up your asses," I grumbled, standing up from my seat to right in front of him, a mere feet away.

"It's not pit—" I cut Austin off.

"The hell it isn't!" I hissed through gritted teeth, failing to keep that fury at bay, "Would you not— tell me honestly— wonder how much I eat? Or where I eat? Why I'm too thin? Because the last time my friends knew— all they had shown was their pity."

"It's not pity, Ash," My father said and this time, I didn't interrupt him, "Not with you, it isn't. Would we worry about you? Yes, yes we will. But not pity you, not when outran and outsmarted fifty-five people while having a high dose sedative running through your veins. Not when your drugged brain could even function enough to create a fire as a distraction."

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