Chapter twenty one.

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"Maybe I am evil for manipulation.

But why should I apologize
for something that the
World had taught me to be?"

But why should I apologize for something that theWorld had taught me to be?"

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"THE COPS?" ASTRID INTERRUPTED. WHY would cops be here? Oh god, please don't tell her that one of her brothers killed someone in here.

"They're asking," Austin panted, clutching his knees in exhaustion, as if he just ran all the city, "questions of what happened—"

"Where are they?" She asked, familiarizing herself with the pain that came with every word.

"Puh-lease don't tell me you're going to do what I think you ate going to do," Zane sighed, exaggerating the first word.

"Depends," She flicked her hand I  dismissal.

It wasn't like they could do anything to her, she is the victim here. Victims are always sympathized, and if she played her cards right, maybe she could set the cops on Ryder's and River's trail.


The cops weren't stupid and if they went ahead and searched her records...

She'll be fucked.

"Don't follow me," She said, calmly before walking— or trying to walk normally with all those sore muscles.

She had a feeling they weren't going to listen.

"Austin." She called out, "I need you to do something for me."

Walking to where she assumed Leo and a few cops would be, Astrid combed down her hair, with her fingers. You gotta look good if you are about to make a dramatic entrance.

"I truly do not understand," Astrid heard Leo say with exasperation and despair that she knew was fake, "why anyone would break into my home and attack my daughter and me."

A trick of manipulation. He didn't know why they were in his home— and he told them that. The truth.

"Have you had any..." The woman spoke, trying to find the correct word for the sentence, "disagreements with anyone, lately?"

Yeah, sure. If you call Rora yelling at him to help her do the dishes and him finding excuses not to do it.

...or maybe how Mr. Logan had mysteriously died.

But they can't find that out.

"No." The was short and curt and desperate to get them the hell out of here.

Why did a couple of kids attack a well known businessman?

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