Chapter four.

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Arcane (Adj.)
Secret, mysterious,
Understood only by a few.



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-After Astrid left the room-

"I MEAN IT IN THE most respectful way possible," Luciano twirled the food in his fork, "She is a bitch."

"You drugged her and uprooted her damn life from her fucking home," Javier grumbled, "You should be glad she didn't kill you."

"I've seen her skills on the field, Luc," Leo mused, "Those are no skills of a fucking amateur."

"Yet we underestimated her," Alessandro butted in, "We should have thought this through."

"I told you so," Aurora smirked at her husband, sending a wink towards her brother-in-law, who grinned in response.

"If it weren't for the fact that she didn't eat anything in the prison," Sandro remarked, "I bet she would have easily gotten away."

"Using phenyl and creating a fire for a distraction," Leo said standing up, smiling faintly at the memory, "That was both smart and a mock to us."

"Do you think she'll stay?" Rora asked, quietly, picking at her nails.

"Until she turns eighteen," Leo said, "She's an assassin, in case she gets caught, even for a driving license, or if she gets a speed ticket, she'd need someone to bail her the fuck out."

"She was quiet."

"You can't expect her to run into your arms when she had literally never seen you in her life, Sandro."

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