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Kian's pov.

"Mom I'm not going period!"

I scream at my mom while opening the door to the house.

"kian I will not take that tone. you are failing history and you need help! There's nothing wrong with that"

I look at my mom in her work clothes and her coffee in hand.
"Mom I'm not taking dumb tutoring from a dumb kid in my school!"

"Kian you are going and that's that."

"But mo-"

"No buts mister! I don't care that you are quarter back of the football team, an you want to keep your popularity. that's a stupid excuse. you need this credit to graduate and if you don't get that 48% to a C or higher you won't graduate at the same time as all of your friends and how popular will you be then huh?"


"get your butt to school and wear your hood, it's poring out there. and if I see you home before 4:30 your grounded!"

With that she kicks my butt and slams the door. I flip up my hood and run to my car. when I get in I sigh and start it.

Nanis pov

"Thanks for the ride mom."

"No problem sweetie. see you at..?"

"4:30 I will have Allison drive me home" she winks at me and I shut the door as she drives away.

I spin around and start to walk into school. "Nani wait up!"

I hear my best friends voice as I turn around. she has her books above her head so the rain dosent mess up her hair. "Hey al" I say and hold the door open for her.

She has on pink pokadot rain boots with leggings and a white sweater and her yellow jacket over it. she has brown eyes with dirty blonde shoulder length hair that's pin straight. "How are you?"

She asks me as she takes out her phone. "I'm fine I like the rain though, haven't had that in a while" she nods and we go to the vending machines "what you want" she asks me "not hungry thanks though"

She gets her pop tart and we continue through the crowd. "you look cute today" she says to me "why thank you dear" I say

I have long brown hair I put in a high ponytail with waves, huge hazel eyes with big glasses. a leather jacket with a kami under light wash ripped jeans and combat boots.... That's what I would have worn today if I were popular but in reality I'm wearing a large brown sweater black jeans brown socks with my dark brown shoes. California was extremely cold today.

If you look at me and Alison you would think we were maybe a little popular, but no not a tiny bit. we are honor roll students straight A's. nerds. today we need to tutor after school. Part of drama and band, planning to go to Stanford. you know.

"Alison can you give me a ride after school" she smiles and nods "sure where is your car?" I shake my head "brother hit the mirror with a baseball" she laughs "which one?" "Chase" she sighs "what are we going to do with that boy" I shrug and laugh as we reach our lockers hers two away from mine.

I hear a stampeded of boys coming down the hall. the jocks. they have a game today. I feel a ball hit the back of my head "ow!" I say placing my hand in the hurt spot.

Sam a popular runs up "nice catch" he says and winks while lightly punching my arm. ugh good day huh? I do my locker combination 44....2....18 I open it and grab my books and shove them in my bag.

I go up to Allison's locker and wait while she grabs her pencil.

We part ways at home room "see you fourth?" I smile and nod

I enter mr. baileys room and
to my seat next to Mia and Caroline. again popular. you think I picked this seat? No assigned. the announcements come on as we stand for the pledge.

The bell rings signaling the end of homeroom. I stand and leave making my way to band.

Kian's pov

"Kian you comin for before game rituals?" Anthony asks me shoving my arm

"I uh cant" I mumble

"What the hell why?" he asks stopping "I just can't my mom is making me do this dumb thing" I continue to walk "whatever you have missed the last three" "look if I don't go then my mom will ground me for the next 20 before games." he shakes his head "ok dude"

The bell rings for Third period. English.

I walk into Ms. Jess's room and sit at the back desk next to Justin and Shane.

The teacher walks in and starts class I see a girl run in late and drop her binder papers flying everywhere. everyone laughs she sighs and crouches down to pick up the papers.

"What a geek" Shane says shoving me "ha ya" I laugh uncomfortably. honestly I feel bad.

She finishes and ms Jess says "are you done Nani?" She nods and pushes up her glasses and shuffles to her seat.

After class I have science.

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