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Kian's pov

I take Nani out to dinner and she drops the bomb about her dad.

I feel sick, awful. why would anyone do that. not only to Nani but to any person. that's sick.

"Nani how long did this go on for" she mumbles a number and I can't hear her.

"Four years."

I open my mouth in disbelief. No way that went on for that long.

"He did it to all of my siblings. I got it worst. he sexually assaulted jaz more than once but didn't hit her. he always made chase do stuff for him even though he was only 8. And Ray he would fight and punch. Once he hit lily I never let him do it again. He always hit my mom but she tried to keep it secret. We could tell by the finger prints around her neck and on her legs and wrists. I would hear her screaming at night and hear glass breaking. I would cry sometimes. but I got so used to it I felt numb. when I would cry infront of my mum, she would stop me. and tell me 'one tear. only one. I know your stronger than that we can do it.' And when one tear would come out she would wipe it and kiss where it landed. I take that as a lesson, so I never cry in front of anyone. it makes me stronger"

I grab her hand she glances at me saddens and despair in her eyes.

"Your the strongest person ive ever met nani." She smiles and I see some tears fade away from her eyes. "I'm not strong. I ran"

"Nani that's the bravest thing you could do" I say smiling at her she sighs

"Can you just please not tell anyone? If you do, he will find us." I nod reassuring her.

"Nani I won't tell a living soul."

The waiter comes with the meals.

Nanis pov

The dinner was filled with laughs and talking and before we knew it, it was 10 o'clock "we better be gettin home." I say smiling he nods and we pay going to his car.

"Dinner was magnificent kian. thank you. it's the first time I've done something on a Friday in a long time." I laugh ashamed at myself. He grabs my hand and walks me to my door.

"Hey tomorrow night Sams havin a party, you wanna come?" He asks me and I smile "only if you stay by my side the whole time." I say giving him one last hug. "of course"

He kisses my cheek and I smile and move my face fast and kiss his lips. he laughs.

I'm not sure I'm ready for tomorrow night.

I walk inside feeling like floating. "helllooooo" I sing and hear my mom laugh "in here crazy" she says and I skip over to the sitting room.

"Hi mom" I say plopping down on the couch. "hi baby have fun?" She asks while reading her book. I nod "amazing" I smile

"So is this guy your boyfriend?" She asks me looking up from her low glasses I shrug "i don't know... He invited me to a party tomorrow. can I go?" I ask her hopefully she sighs "I guess" I jump up and hug her she smiles "your the best!" I say happily running up to my room.

Saturday was long and boring I spent the whole day anticipating the party and finding an outfit. I finally found one thats perfect. I wore a black and white striped short dress with a jean shirt tied around my waist, long socks, black and gold heels, and my leather bag.

I go out to my car and look at the directions kian gave me. I drive to Sams house.

I knock on the door already hearing loud music and yelling. I knock again and I see sam swing the door open "oh hi" I say half smiling she turns around and looks around like he's confused. I don't blame him I would be confused too.

"She's with me" I hear someone say as I look up and see kian. I smile and he grabs my hand dragging me inside. it smells like strong B.O and liquor. I plug my nose as he leads me to the kitchen. "drink?" He asks holding up a beer.

"No I'm good" I say smiling "oh come onnnn Nani take a drink." he waves the bottle in front of my face "no kian really I'm good"

I get whipped around and see a drunk Michael he pores a drink smelling like margarita down my throat. "I gotcha kijan" he slurs out and winks wobbling. Kian laughs and I start to feel woozy.

I drag kian on the floor and take two more shots. Now the drunk ness starts to hit me. I laugh a lot more than usual and then dance on kian a lot too.

He whispers in my ear "lets go upstairs" and I nod. he pulls my arm up the steps me missing some and falling. we go into a room that is already taken if you know what I mean.

Then we open another door that is empty. four candles are already lit.

Kian shuts the door and I push him against the wall kissing him intensely. he starts to remove my clothes.

What happened behind that door, STAYS behind that door.

I wake up and see tan. I lift my head more and see I'm on Kian's chest. once I lift my head I immediately regret it. blood flow rushes and I black out my eyes for a second. pain rushes to my whole body aching. "owe" I whisper sitting up slowly.

Once I get up I realize I'm completely naked. "oh geez" I say grabbing my clothes and putting them on. I don't put in my shoes so if don't make sound. I write kian a note "went home. thanks for another amazing night" with a heart.

I walk down the steps seeing broken bottles, red cups, people thrown about sleeping. I step over everything and walk down the road to my car.

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