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Nanis pov

"Well we can show you around if you would like" I say smiling at them and they anxiously nod.

"Alright let me get changed first" I walk to the bathroom. I change into a loose white shirt that uncovers my shoulders, floral boho pants, and brown Jesus sandals. I take my hair putting it in a tight messy bun and my hipster sunglasses. I throw on a blue neaklace.

Walking out everyone stares at me

"You sure clean up nice" jc smirks at me.

I raise my eyebrow "thanks?"

A few awkward silent seconds later

"Alrighty let's get a move on" kian coughs up. he walks up to me warping his arm around my shoulder. I grab my bag.

We walk down the streets showing them the beauty of San Clemente. jc keeps looking at me. I try to ignore it but now it's getting obnoxious.

I hear a blood curdling scream looking over in shock I see a lady laying in the road clutching her leg. A car strayed along the side pieces broken from it. We run up to her and I see her bone in her leg completely in half. she's screaming so loud my ears are ringing. tears streaming down her face. "help me" she whispers choking.

I kneel down next to her. "what's your name" I ask. "Margo" she cries "it's all gonna be alright Margo ok?" She nods "Trevor call 911" he dials the number talking

"Kian give me your shirt" he takes it off and hands it to me.

I wrap Kian's shirt around her leg he kneels next to me "ricky give me that piece of straight metal from the car" I say pointing across the road. he runs and picks it up handing it to me.

"Connor run to that convince store across the road get a roll of string don't pay I need it now!" I yell and he sprints.

"Jc your bandana please." he unties it from his head handing it to me. at that time Connor runs back out.

I shove the bandana in between her teeth. "bite down this is gonna hurt" she looks worried and does so. I un rap Kian's shirt quickly and brace myself.

I push as hard as I can to the bones as they pop together. she screams "KEEP BITING" I yell she nods in agony.

I take the long metal piece and place it under her leg taking the string and tying it tight around the home made splint.

As soon as I finish sirens flash in the distance.

She looks down at her leg in pain. "thank you" she says the ambulance pulls up.

"ITS HER" Trevor yells pointing to Margo. they run to her and pick her up and place her on the carrier bed. one man working in the ambulance comes up to me.

"Who made that splint" he asks I nod "me" he looks surprised "how did you know what to do?" He asks "my moms a nurse" I smile he nods.

"What's your name?" I look back at kian and he crosses his arms.

"Nani" I say to him he nods scratching the back of his neck. "I'm jay" he smiles at me I bite my cheek "can I get your number" he asks "umm I don't thinks so" I say stepping away "ah come on babe" he goes to grab my ass. I slap him. he steps back

someone shoves me out of the way "stay away from her" kian says in his face. He steps toward him "what are you gonna do" he yells back

"Think of the worst situation and times that by 10" he shoves him. And starts to walk away with me in his hand. I feel a yank behind me and I see Jay pulled kian back and they are fighting. throwing fists and yelling "HEY" I yell going up to Jay "stay away from us" kian says pointing to him

"We'll see about that"

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