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I start to write down a question"what did you get on your-"

I get cut off again but not by his voice.

His big pink lips smash against mine. As soon as they hit I feel explosions. like they are meant to be there. I stay there shocked and then ease into it by moving my lips on his. he cups his hand around my face and the other around my waist. he pulls me closer and smiles. he's standing so I stand also. he's around 6'2 and I'm only 5'6 so our height diffrince is actually kind of humorous. but what about Valeri.

I push on his chest. he looks at me confused "What about Valeri." I say breathlessly. he shakes his head "I'll break up with her." I sigh and push my glasses up "why don't I believe you kian." he runs his hand through his hair. he puffs out his cheeks "I don't know" I laugh harshly "alright well when you figure out yourself, call me."

I pick up my stuff and kiss his cheek. "thanks for noticing me." I whisper in his ear. "Nani please don't g-" I shake my head "kian don't make this harder than it already is" he sighs

I run out of the library as fast as I can. I run past Allison "Nani where are you go-" I don't listen and just run outside. my jeep got fixed over the weekend so I run out. it's currently 85 degrees. I jump in and start to cry "god I'm an idiot I made him cheat on his girlfriend" I bawl my eyes out.

When u get home I run inside. "Nani!" I hear lily yell I shake my head "not now lily" I wipe my eyes she pouts "mommy said you got important letter" I tie my hair back and raise my eyebrow "what letter lily?" I say she pulls my arm and leads me to the kitchen and there's a Manila envelope sitting on the counter.

On the front it says "university of Stanford for ms Nani Delgato" I jump up and down "it came!" For two minutes I actually forgot about kian.

I open it and it says "To ms Delgato. we are pleased to tell you that by your excellent grades and personality, we have accepted you into the Stanford University of California" I scream "yay!" Lily yells I laugh and pick her up "we got in lil!" I say spinning her.

My whole family runs down "what's wrong!" Jaz yells "I got in!" I say jumping up and down they all scream and mom pushes to the front "good job chica! I knew you'd make it" she kisses my head and hugs me. I smile "thanks mamma" she takes the letter reading it.

"Let's go out to dinner to celebrate" mom suggests I smile "thanks mom"

We go to the crab shack. when we arrive we get a table for 8. we all sit and I need to go to the rest room. While walking there I decide to text ally the good news. while on my phone I completely slam into someone's chest. "oh shit I'm sorry" I hear a mans voice I know too well. I look up and see kian.

His eyes are puffy. hair messed up and still wearing the same thing he wore to school. "Nani?" He asks "what are you doing here?" I narrow my eyes "I could ask the same to you" I say rubbing my hurt forehead "I'm here because my family made me come" he says I nod "celebration dinner" I say looking down

"What are you celebrating?" He asks

"You don't care" I say and push past him "Nani" he grabs my arm "you know I do care" I push my glasses up and bite my lip "I got accepted into Stanford" I say nervously looking down. I get jolted up by Kian's arms warping tight around me. he's actually genualy smiling. "Man Nani that's great!" I nod "thanks" I start to walk away again "Nani" I turn "I'm sorry" he mouths "don't be."

With that I walk away.

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