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Nanis pov


Why is kian here? He needs help why?

"My mom made me" he says snapping me out of my thoughts. what? "You said that out loud" he says again

"Oh" I say sitting "what's with the sunglasses and hood" I ask "I don't want anyone to see me coming to tutoring" I raise an eyebrow "why? What's wrong with it." he shakes his head "never mind let's just get this over with"

"Where is you binder" I ask him "and book?" He looks up "oh I needed that?" I sigh "yes, yes you needed that. let's just start with basics introducing" I stick out my hand he takes it shyly shaking it "I'm Nani Delgato" "Kian. Kian Lawley" "

"Well kian. what do you have in history right now" I say flipping through my text book. "uhh..." "you have to tell me so we see how much we need to work"

"48" I look up "percent?" He nods oh geez. it's going to be hard enough to concentrate with him, now I really need to work.

"Let's get to work." we spend about a hour talking about the French and Indian war and revolutionary war.

"Can we take a break" he asks sitting back in his chair I check my watch "I guess we have worked enough. 4:05 I'm ping to go get a drink" he stands with me "oh your coming now huh?" I say laughing. we go to the water fountain and I quiz him on our way there.

Back in the library

"Kian when's your next test?" He puts his hood on "tomorrow" I nod "ok study what we learned. An we will meet tomorrow, bring your test." he nods

"Are you coming to the game?" I shake my head "oh no, no one wants me there"

"I do. it will be fun come on" I shrug "fine since your makin me" he jolts up and starts to run outside "see you tonight!" I hear him yell "tonight" I whisper.

Kian's pov

Once I get in my car I bang my head on the steering wheel making it honk. "god I'm a idiot" I say to myself. honestly, Nani is gorgeous. she's kind to and smart. I can't think this way I have a girlfriend.

I start my car and sit there. I look to my left and see Nani leaving with another girl I've never seen before. are they new here?

They are talking and get into a jeep.

I drive home thinking about Nani and all of her features, her big hazel eyes and glasses, no makeup, dark brown wavy hair that brushed against me and was so soft. her big pink lips that you just want to kiss. GOD KIAN STOP IT. no no no you have Valeri. your amazing, pretty, what am I doing.

I walk into my house and yell "IM HOME I KNOW YOU MISSED ME" Mila my cat runs up and rubs against my legs "hi baby you get me." I pet her

"Hi sweetie!" My mom comes in "hey mom" she comes up to me and kisses my head. "how was it?" I shrug "ok actually" she smiles huge "great! Your going all week right?" I nod "yea."

"Who was your tutor?" I freeze Nina Nina. "um just this person from school no big deal" I smile falsely. she hugs me "we all decided to go to the game me your father izzy tab rio. everyone" I smile "really?" She nods "hurry up we are having salmon for dinner."

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