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the song she made (yes it came out recent but the dates of the songs don't matter in the story it's fiction remember ;) )


I rolled over on the other side of the bed feeling my side hurt from being on the same side for a few hours.

I pulled the covers over my head again just in time for someone to come through the room door.

"Dani..Are you okay?".

It was Trinity.

I didn't say anything hoping she'd go away. She didn't.

"Can you please talk to me", she pleaded.

I ignored her again thinking about how I ended up here. I found out I had dissociative identity disorder 5 days ago and I been in the hospital ever since. They wanted to run some more tests and monitor my newfound personality.

I don't know how to feel about it, I honestly see it as another reason for my father to call me crazy and psychotic.

I haven't spoken to Chris either but he has been very supportive. He's made sure to help me take my regular medicine and new medication. He also make sure that I eat, I don't want to but I have no choice.

My other.. self, hasn't made a appearance since the first day i've been here. I've been waiting for her to pop up but I guess she's just not there.

I don't really know how switches work but I do notice I get a headache every time. Sadly that's the only thing the medicine helps with.

I heard the door open and close again. I assume Trinity left, which isn't surprising since i've been bitchy towards her.

I threw the blankets off taking in gulps of air since it was so hot and stuffy under the blankets.

"That's what yo stupid ass get tryna be mad and shit you don't even have no oxygen under there", Trinity snapped.

I jumped up not knowing she was still in the room then scowled, "shutup you brain dead bitch".

She looked around the room and scoffed, "you wanna talk about brains? yo brain don't even know who it wanna be".

"That's why ya lace lifting", that kinda hurt my feelings but it was kinda funny.

"Mhm bitch don't ever ignore me again and don't be lying my lace done been through hurricane katrina", she patted it roughly.

"Hurricane katrina? more like hurricane tortilla", I burst out laughing mimicking the old vine that only people with the same sense of humor as a potato would find funny.

The door opened again and in came Chris, "I heard that retarded shit and your literally not funny".

I folded my arms and huffed, "No you just have no humor".

He rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone, "Moving on I started mixing and mastering what you wrote so far and you said it's not finished but it's actually really good".

I scooted to the edge of the bed eager to hear what I worked on, "Lemme see".

He unlocked his phone and tapped it a few times before showing me the screen.

"The song is called damage and it's in a demo form, that's the only way I could show you the whole song", he explained.

"That's fine", I pressed the play button hearing the sultry vocals loudly.

If you got it, it ain't no question
No, it ain't no room for guessing
No more than emotionally invested (no, no)
Showing you all my imperfections, oh

I listened to tentatively while Trinity whining her hips in a circle and humping the air.

Chris raised his eyebrow but didn't say anything. Guess he's used to her tom foolery.

If I let you, you'll take me for granted, yeah
If I'm worth more than you could manage, manage, yeah
Open with me, oh, we could be honest
Closer to me, oh, giving me solace
Promise that you won't let me fall

She jumped and start hitting the whip and nae nae like she ain't have no got damn sense.

Chris twisted his lips to the side trying not laugh but still said nothing.

Holding me tight
Loving me right
Giving me life
All night
You could be
(You could be)
Telling me lies
Making me cry
Wasting my time
The whole time
So just be
Careful what you take for granted, yeah
'Cause with me you know you could do damage
You, you could do damage
You, you could do damage, yeah (uh)

After the last adlib she turned around and started grinding on the wall in slow motion. Chris burst out laughing and I mugged her.

I paused the song and looked at her again, "girl what is wrong with you?".

"GIRL you singing like you wanna eat my pussy what you want me to do", she voiced.

"I- I'd pay to see that", Chris raised his hand sheepishly.

"What- Chris shut the fuck up", I laughed.

I went to play the song again when the door opened making us all snap our necks in that direction.

Black people nosy as hell, whew chile

Dr. Williams walked in with a clipboard and a smile on her face .

"What's up doc", Trinity ghetto ass asked.

"Well i'm here to discharge Ms. Dani", she grinned.

"Great, where do I sign", I clapped.

She helped me fill out the form and gave me a bag of my stuff.

"Now dani, it's important you take that medication. It doesn't just prevent migraines it keeps the switches in control. Please call me or back if there's any complications", she explained seriously.

"Of course and thank you", I nodded and shook her hand.

"Okay let's leave now before I die of bleach inhalation", Trinity gasped dramatically.

We all laughed before walking out the hospital.

i been gone for mad long i kno 😭😭😭😭

i just had no motivation but now i had a little bit so i'm updating both books


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