Bitches n marijuana

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Dani pov

I couldn't stop my teeth from chattering, I was sitting on my bed with the curtains drawn, blankets over my head and the lights off.

I wanted to kill my self. After my "father" called me I had a nervous breakdown, I couldn't stop the panic attack that took over me. I couldn't stop the blade I drew over my wrist.



Five times in total.

It was five times in total because that's how long the conversation took. It was a brief yet scarring conversation.

I hadn't even cleaned up the blood yet, it was a small puddle in the bathroom and spots all over my bed sheets. My forearms were burning and red from not being cleaned yet I didn't care.

I haven't showered, brushed my teeth, or ate. I haven't even been to work, I lied to my boss and said my mother was sick so I had to go take care of her and he gave me a week and a half off since I always had perfect attendance and did my job well.

I haven't heard from Chris either.

Not that I cared, I didn't want to be bothered by anyone. All I have done for the past 2 days was sit in the dark letting my past memories wash over me.

My father's voice triggered something in me...a seal that has now been broken letting all my emotions fill my chest making me feel like I had gallons of water in my lungs just waiting to explode.

Maybe I was crazy, I mean I haven't taken my pills either which helped me keep part of my sanity.

I stopped taking them after me and Chris started becoming closer because he made me happy. I didn't feel like I needed to take away my emotions rather then just let them flow because when I was with him it was never a dull moment just positive vibes.

But now he's gone so now I have to suffer in silence again.

My minded wandered back to the phone conversation making me squeeze my eyes shut.

flashback still Dani pov


"Now is that a way to greet your father?", he chuckled softly.

I gulped trying to carefully pick and choose my words, "no".

"Well then try again", he insisted.

I cleared my throat before speaking again. If it was one thing he hated, it was showing weakness and not speaking clearly.

"Hello father".

"Ahh that's much better", he responded.

"Now what is this I hear about you moving to California?', he questioned.

I froze, how did he know about that? I made sure before I left I kept that between me and my grandmother, and they don't even talk, they hate each other.

"Where did you hear that", I questioned slowly.

"Don't worry about it, answer the question Danileigh. You know I hate waiting and don't try to lie, you know firsthand how I feel about lying", he said it so sinisterly I almost cried.

"Yes I did', I answered trying to keep my voice steady.

"Well that's all I needed to know, just know i'm coming for you. One you can't get away that easy and two your family misses you".

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