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" you're perfect

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" you're perfect. "

" and mine. all fucking mine. "

new to the city she explores the busy streets, as she seeks a coffee shop for the morning. She captures attention of the dull souls around her with her cheery and bright ways, but up above in a building not to far away, sat the blonde as he observed her. Your smile, the shine in your eyes and the way you could lighten up any dark room had made butterflies flutter in his stomach. setting a small mission for himself as he saw you finally go into the small coffee shop.  make you his. And only, his.

the light rattled before beaming onto his face making him squint, "officers.." the blonde greeted with a smile making the two officers form a face of disgust towards him before sitting down on the opposite side he sat. three people, two officers and one in handcuffs.

"you've got the wrong guy." the blonde shrugs with a smile still, but the officers don't move—only one does, once they plop the open folder on the desk, "all evidence points to you, takami." she crosses her arms and leans back, "so why don't you make our lives and everyone else's here easier and tell us what you know."

he peers down at the folder then back up at her, "what do you wanna know?"

she points at the photo,

"what happened to y/n l/n."

© -Dxliqhted

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