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—FRIDAY, 9:40 PM

"SO-so then i said..!-" the raven sleered, a cup raised in his hand as he leaned over the bar, speaking nonesense to the uninterested bartender. "Pierce, come on, I think you've had enough to drink..." your hand reaching up for the swaying cup but he quickly pulled away. "noo, just one more- pretty please?" he pleaded, smiling as he saw you sigh with a nod, "thank you..., i appreciate it." He landed a kiss onto your cheek making the blonds grip on his cup tighten before taking a long sip of the honey-brown colored drink.

"you've been on that glass for hours.." he turned his head to see you, sitting down in the stool beside him with a smile. "not much of a drinker, are you? you proceeded, twirling the liquor in the cup. A breathy chuckle escaping his lips as he quirked a brow at you, "I haven't seen you take a sip either." He countered, your eyes widen slightly with a smile before ducking your head back down, "no i don't like to drink." He spoke, pushing the drink forward and out of his view. "Depends on the day." You shrugged, taking very short drink.

he felt his heart bloom with happiness for you, "I'm glad it isn't one of those days."

"How could it be. So much had happened in just a day, and—none of its bad..that has to be some sorta' luck?" you shot a questioning glare, to which he shrugged with a carefree smile, "Maybe it's also passed down."

"what do you mean?" You questioned, swirling the thin straw of your drink around the liquor.

"today was...unusual." His head tilting to the side to glance at yours, seeing how your brows furrowed in confusion. "but in the best way possible." he reassured, seeing how he seemed to relax. Hawks chuckled, "did you think i was going to say otherwise?"

your gaze fell to your hands, seeing how they cupped the glass strongly. it took a few before you finally answered, "no, what makes you think that?" You brushed off with a carefree smile,

"Y/nnn, i wanna leave. now." Pierce pouted, his arms crossed over his chest, whilst his crimson eyes dug into yours. "I'm going. I'm going.." you rushed off your chair to assist him. Abandoning the blonde once more.

. . .

his brows furrowed, what the hell was that?
did he make you uncomfortable? why are you leaving with pierce.  not even a goodbye? Y/n.

his hand lifted to signal the bartender, he needed to calm his feelings, the growing anger in his stomach that was making him think crazy things. he couldn't. he wouldn't.

its inhuman.

but, you.

oh, you were worth that and a lot more.
he was willing to have blood on his hands if it meant keeping you safe. and away from

© -Dxliqhted

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