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-FRIDAY, 5:00 PM

The two of you stared at each other, he waited for a simple response from you, a simple 'hello' would have been nice but instead, "what are you doing here?" you sneered,

He cocked his brow in confusion before hearing a soft chuckle beside him to see another male with a rather cocky smirk on his lips as his hands dug into his pocket all while he simply shrugged, "oh, I don't know.. my job?" he replied back with a frown seeing how you looked rather annoyed at his presence.

Hawks' eyes narrowed at the male, as he stepped slightly away from him to study him. If he was annoying you, then did he really have another choice than to do what he knew best?

"Y/n. that's no way to greet your co-workers." your aunt's hands placed on her hips in anger as she whispered her words to you though everyone could still hear. "Co-workers?!" you looked at her with wide eyes to which she copied with a nervous smile, "I had very little options.." she spoke, putting her thumb and index finger almost to touch to show you exactly how little she was talking. You huffed,deciding to not make the situation worse than it was supposed to,

You stuck your hand out to him, "y/n" you tried to make your voice more cheery but his smirk brought you to a place where nothing was smiles and rainbows. "Pierce." the male spoke, making hawks' brows lift in acknowledgement. Hawks, seeing everything go down, absolutely hated it. Where did you go? Your smile, your laugh? was it him?

Before he could ask himself more questions, you turned to him, a soft smile finally gracing your lips, "oh..it's y/n." your cheeks darken ever so slightly as you saw him smile back at you,

There it was. This is what he wanted, this all he wanted since he saw you. He wants to be your happiness, "Hawks." He shook your hand, letting his grab yours ever so softly before pulling away.

His warm touch lingered on your hands, you wished you could have held it longer. You blinked away from your thoughts, was it wrong to think such ways about your co-worker for the time..?

A clap entered the room to show the slender man with his eyes lifted up in what you could take as him smiling, "Ah, so the models have arrived? Perfect." she spoke, grabbing his clipboard from his assistance nearby, "gentlemen." He greeted hawks and pierce but didn't waste time to glance at them as he lifted a page from the clipboard before humming.

"Alright. Shall we get started then?"


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