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—FRIDAY, 3:00 PM

HIS voice, it was...smooth. Kind of like butter, and his laugh was soft but, vibrant and loud at the same time. How was it possible?

not only was the no.2 hero in a conversation with about a simple book, but your heart was already picking up from its usual pace—perhaps, you were just nervous. It had to be! I mean, who wouldn't be?

a dashing blonde with golden-brown eyes and wearing a rather, ethereal smile—you loved your book, you do! But, your mind couldn't help but drift elsewhere,

how his wings would flutter ever so softly each time he caught your gaze, it could go unnoticed. How the corners of his lips quivered to form a smile, and how he waved at you with a lifted brow, his lips giving a teasing smirk.

"Hello? You there, sweetheart ?"

your eyes widened, and blinked at him simultaneously as you shifted back to reality with a shy smile, "I'm sorry..did you say something?" you spoke causing the blonde to chuckle nervously, "I'm boring you. Aren't I?" his gaze falling downward shyly, as his hands lifted to scratch the back of his neck. Your face flushed with warmth knowing you'd have to embarrass yourself to get past this.

"no! it's not that..it's just-" your eyes were glued to your hands as you picked on the skin around your nail, your eyes shyly lifting to see the blond with his chin rested upon his palms as he wore a large grin on his lips, seeing you in your current state.

"Your playing with me aren't you?" you sighed, hearing that, 'oh so beautiful' laugh once more, "You're easy to read.." he spoke before he let an exaggerated gasp as he pointed at the book, making you shake your head with smile.

"See what I did-" "Yea. i get it.." you interrupted to letting your head lay down on the table painfully to which he could only laugh.

evening came and the two of you didn't move from your table, the coffee becoming cold as it was discarded to the side. The setting sun making everything around the two of you golden, with a soft chilly breeze contrasting to the warm air of spring.

surprisingly you and hawks had more in common than a normal person would usually have with another,

it was comforting in a way. With hawks, you failed to feel judged, he had a way of just making you feel wanted and comfortable. it was a nice trait for friend, you thought yourself being rather lucky.

"Its getting pretty late..how about I fly you-"

a car rolled up and honked at the two of you, "Y/n! Quick we have to go! Emergency!!" a feminine voice you knew all to well spoke,

"auntie, what's wrong?" you got up seeing her rush to you–well hop to you, as she attempted run in heels.

"Jeanist! he wanted to see you, " she huffed, breathless from just her tiny jog,

You smiled, "ah, so you talked to him! When is the appointment?" you asked ever so calmly before finally seeing her wide eyes, "Today!" she yelled, fanning her face dramatically,


"now!!" she squeaked as she pushed you into the car, "but auntie wait I-"

"No time! No time!!" she screamed dramatically, pushing you into the cab, leaving behind a rather speechless hawks.

Seeing you apologetically wave at him, as he did the same with a kind smile seeing you part away from him, known of the tiny pit of rage that grew within him.

© -Dxliqhted

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