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—FRIDAY, 5:10 PM

YOU all nodded, making Jeanist beam before throwing his clipboard behind him making his assistants rush to catch it, only resulting in them falling into a pile. You heard hawks chuckle slightly, making you join him seeing how they struggled to get off each other, only to result in them slipping once more over each other.

A pinch to your side, making you straighten seeing how your aunt pushed past you as she rushed beside Jeanist with the brightest grin on her face. "Should we tell her now?" Jeanist cheered, making your aunt shift slightly to bounce back and forwards on her heels, "I kind of.. Did..?" she spoke seeing the slender blondes eyes widen before closing in pure annoyance, with hands on his hips. "Of course you did. I really couldn't expect anything more could I?.." he sighed dramatically, as your aunt stared back at him angrily with a pout, "I didn't tell her everything." she seethed through her teeth, "I left out the shoot idea for you."

"Well." his eyes opened in surprise at her words, "guess you're not as bad as before at secrets." he smiled, before giving one last clap of his hands, "How about you all follow me while I tell you, hm?" he suggested seeing all of your courtly nod before he lead the way down a glass hall, giving a view of the courtyard.

"Y/n, i'm sure your aunt told you my exact thoughts on your designs, they were exactly what i expect from a student from a great designer such as her." he praised to which made your aunt stand taller in confidence. "And why waste any more time than to get these ideas out right away?" he said simply before pushing up a pair of double doors at the end of the hall to reveal the modernly furnished room, filled with equipment far to advance for you to understand. He took your hand leading you to a white backdrop

"A photoshoot. The photos being displayed on each magazine cover in the city. With none other than our top models slash heroes." he let an open hand towards the two males, pierce far too distractedly in the room to even acknowledge you while hawks looked at you wide eyed before giving you a shy smile. You smiled back which made Jeanist chuckle, "charming, isn't he?" he spoke, making you shake your head before nodding, "w-wait no- its.. Not like that.."

"Of course not.." he spoke though you could still see him smile, as his eyes lifted ever so slightly, "it never is. But moving on, what do you say? Your aunt was already set on the idea but I thought it would be fair to ask you as well."

You looked back at hawks seeing how he made small talk with Pierce, his eyes catching yours before giving you a smirk in your direction.


© -Dxliqhted

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