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—SUNDAY, 12:15 AM

HE still couldn't get over it. you, to be specific. how could you look so flawless so effortlessly? just in your pj's telling him jokes as you sketched your newest design, a new hero suit for him.

or that's what he'd make of it, you desired no such thing of your 'messy' sketch. "no, it's just an idea. i still have to get it passed through jeanist, and find the right textiles for durability and suited for combat. i don't have that," you kept rambling, he'd purposely kept asking questions just to see you go on and on,

his eyes trained on your lips, noticing every quirk or twitch with each word and how unbelievably soft they seemed, he almost wanted to reach out just to test it out but he also just wished to—

"hawks'?" your voice caused him to blink as he shifted back into his reality, "hm?"

"sorry, am i talking too much?" you smiled shyly and he almost groaned, "no, not at all. i like hearing you talk about what you love."

your brows fell, "i was talking about my parent's death." your words made him physically sputter, his heart hammering with the thought of doing something wrong but then he heard you chuckle, "jeez hawks' relax, i was joking. their alive and well...i think." you shrugged, a hand landing onto his head to ruffle the blonde locks as you stood,

he froze. "that was a terrible joke. and, what do you mean by, you think?"

you brought his plate and yours to the sink, turning on the faucet allowing the water to flow into your hands, "just some never-ending drama...they don't really support me—or anything i do. at all." you chuckle, but theirs a sense of hurt behind it, pain.

"why don't they.." he added, seeking the opportunity that you're distracted to get more information, "well, they wanted a star. a nurse, a lawyer, anything that gave a lot of money basically. they placed me in the best schools in with every cent they had." the water shut off, and you dried your hands with a nearby rag, "but i didn't want any of those things, i found something i was passionate about when i ran along with my aunt for a day." you smiled at your words, "designing, it looked fun. it looked like something that would never get boring because there's always new styles and trends to create and follow, but my parents didn't like that."

"the second i told them, they kicked me out. saying i was ungrateful, and a disappointment to their name. so auntie took me in, she's someone i'll always cherish for that."

hawks' nodded, "your aunt's made great work, you're going right up that path," he picks up the sketchbook, tapping on the design, "and as soon as your 'done', i'm getting this made." he slides out his phone, floating it above the page,

"and just as a reminder," you rush over to him, spreading your hands over the page to block the camera, "when i'm finished hawks." you laugh,

a feather hooks onto your shirt, lightly pulling it making you look down distracted, "hawks your feathers,"

"what about them?" he tilted his head, the pressure against you grew and in a blink, they held you up to the ceiling, you screeched.

"hawks. HAWKS." the feather turned you into a fast spin and you swore you heard him laugh, "hAWKS STop- PUT ME DOWN-" despite how terrified you were there was a strong amount of trust you placed on him, since he was not only working on naomi's [ nai ] case, but also a hero whose saved hundreds of lives.

but you also couldn't take being in the air for so long like this, "say please," he sang, hearing you cry out in surprise, "PLEASE? PUT ME DOWN."

"nicely." he pouted, you took a deep breath, "hawks...please put me down."

"i don't know the views pretty nice from here..." he bit his lips playfully as he spun you around again, displaying your ass for him, making you try to squirm away,

"you asshole," you laughed and finally he placed you down onto the couch a seat away from him, he exited out of his camera roll with a new batch of photos and a fresh smile on his face, "you sneaky little—"

there was a knock on the door and both of your heads snapped, shit. he was willing to bet money as he guessed those were none other than,

"its estelle." you huffed with annoyance, "how would you know?" he asked, getting up as you shoved his coat at him, along with his shoes,

"because only she knocks instead of using the doorbell." you smile, lightly almost unnoticeable, "and so i need you to leave." you sigh, "please? i'm sorry, i didn't even know she'd-"

another knock was heard, this time with more impact, "-come over..and i don't want her to know about us, so..."

you rushed things out of the way to make it seem like it was only you but he couldn't focus on that he focused on the "about us," part.

"us?" he spoke, teasingly even, he enjoyed seeing the way your eyes widen and your lips part as you searched for words perfect for an excuse, "..y-you know like, friends...because..." you smiled with embarrassment flushing onto your face, "you're a hero..."

a loud knock was heard, and you scrambled, "you know what i mean! now," you shooed him, and pointed to the window, his brows fell, "i take great offense to this."

"whatever birdbrain, now shoo," the window clicked open leaving only a vermilion feather behind to rest on the floor while you rushed to the door, where your best friend waited,

"finally! i was getting tired of waiting, oh-" her eyes narrows at you, "did you just wake up? you look terrible.." she eyed you and you suddenly become aware of what you were wearing, "i do?" a frown grows on your face, surely it wasn't that bad, right?

she places her bag onto the couch and approaches you, "honey, you look disastrous. aren't you supposed to be a designer?"

her words shook you, but didn't surprise you,
"yeah, i guess your right.."

she smiled proudly, "perfect." but then she took a slow spin, "whats not perfect is this place...you should get out of the slums.." she said with disgust,

you looked around your cozy apartment, it was fine to you, what was wrong with it?


"anyways, what's going on with pierce?" she took a hesitant seat on your couch, her eyes training on the vermilion feather on the floor with narrow eyes as you spun to get her a glass of water,

hawks from afar heard everything, his lips forming a disappointed frown, really y/n, these are what you call friends?

they took advantage of your kindness y/n how could you not see it? and pierce, your call from this morning wasn't spoken upon on, but he was taking a quick visit later today just to make sure.

© -Dxliqhted

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