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HE, plopped onto the roof top a few away from your apartment, a clear view of your window and the show that was about to go down. it was fun either way for the blonde, he had sets of plans laid out to follow all he needed was this tiny play to go on and everything would fall into place, like the domino affect.

'ding !'

you sure about movies at your place?

i'll send you the address as soon as i get off patrol ;)
read : 🤍

he smiled, his heart stuttered and picked up rapidly. he finally had you under his grasp, he could see you each and everyday face to face with no more spying in through your windows, which he had to admit was far to easy without the curtains. he would be lying if he wasn't surprised to see you changing out of a shirt like there were covers blocking you out of public view, or how you wondered around with only a shirt, he tried not to look. the first time he covered his eyes but his mind went insane, picturing you in all sort of ways he knew he wasn't supposed to, but he loved how it made him feel, the twitches and tightness of his pants proved plenty.

when he looked at you, suddenly his world seemed brighter. filled of color than the grey he was used to, he wanted to see that everyday.

which is why, he was going at such lengths and why he was going to enjoy watching little pierce cause a scene. you were sitting on the edge of your bed contemplating between ankle boots or sneakers, peaceful with music streaming in the background as you prepared but then arrived disaster.

your phone ringed, "estelle?" you smiled just at the call but it quickly dropped, "shes what? but she was just with you what do mean shes gone?" you were speechless at a lost for words as estelle explained what had happened to one of your friends, "y/n? Y/N?" she shouted after sometime of no response but then the doorbell ringed, "uh- estelle i'll call you back..." you hung up before she could even argue and rushed to the door hoping it was her but it wasn't, it was pierce.

"oh god, pierce.." you huffed, "i thought you were nai.." he looked at you confused, "what happened to nai..." you fiddled with your sleeves again, a weird habit of having to do something with your hands, "estelle says she's missing because she just disappeared from the mall they were at and she left all her belongings..." you shuddered, "what if she was kidnapped..." a gasps escapes your lips as you fill with fear thinking of the worse but the ravenette simply ignores you and walks in, "i'm sures she fine." he opened cabinets simultaneously, searching for something, "but what if shes not! we have to do something we're her friends-"

"y/n, there are more important things right now." his voice lacked in emotion, "but what if-" you were consumed with worried and you only shook when you heard a glass plate break beside you, "DAMMIT, fuck, 'm sorry..i didn't mean to.." his covers his eyes with a groan, "w-what are you looking for..." you whisper, and he lifts his head, "who are you involved with."


"WHERE IS IT Y/N?" he shouts, and you back away, "don't yell at me." he chuckles before smashing his fist into the wall with anger, "tell me where its at. where he's at." "who..." you stare blankly, and he grits his teeth, "you're in trouble y/n. your messing with bad people—let me help you." a hand extends to you but you smack it away, "get out."

"for crying out loud...y/n. listen, i'm sorry 'mkay? works been rough and-"

"get. out." you opened the door for him prompting him to leave, "baby listen.." "pierce i'll call the police. get out,"
his smile falls and his true colors are shown once more, "fine. but when you turn out like nai, i don't wanna hear anything from anyone." he grumbles and storms out, "you don't know what your saying," you cross your arms, brows furrowed with anger and just a bit of everything else. you were going to fall apart. "yeah? maybe you'll end up worse. maybe in a ditch somewhere," he wasn't making any sense and you'd never seen him this way, but yet again there wasn't much to see on one night stands. "fuck you." your voice wavered but he was already out the door with no intention of coming back, and a tear went down your cheek, your head was pounding and all your body could manage to do was shut the door and lean beside it to sob,

they didn't care about you, you shouldn't be crying. why were you crying?  it was those questions that made you comb past your hair with harsh tugs, but then a soft touch grazed your ankle you looked up to see the crimson feather move in some sort of dance that made you crack a smile before it dashed to the window where the blonde was pressed up against,



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