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the keys jangled in his hands, about a dozen look a-likes in his hand, but only one that fits into the lock—not only that but opening the door even required a trick only he and his partner knew, so nobody would ever know of the glass cage that hid in the condo past the door at the end of the hall. the door clicked open and the ravenette hid in the shadows of the room while the bright light beamed down on the cage where the girl laid, mumbling endlessly.

"what's going on here?" hawks' said with fake concern as he approached the cage, hands tucked in his pockets while he inspected what the women had done in a few hours alone, everything was knocked off and onto the floor, without a care. she perked up to the voice and a smile filled with hope graced her face, "hawks! omg hawks, thank god..." she clasped her hands together murmuring more words, "thank you, thank you, thank you..." her eyes brimmed with tears and she quickly stood, patting down her clothes before clearing her throat, "okay, let me out." she excitedly stood at the glass door,  but once she saw the smile grow on the blondes face her smile wavered, "hawks? the door-" her voice broke into a short nervous laugh, making the blonde nod, continuing with the cruel act, "oh, yes of course!" he rushed over and patted his pockets, "oh, wait i don't have the key..." he frowned, "what should we do now?" he asked and she instantly looked, "can't you just break it? or use your feathers! they could work couldn't it?"

"you're right they could!" he laughed, echoing throughout the dark room, and past the blue orbs that slowly grew closer as hawks' plucked a tiny feather from his wings, hardening it to insert into the lock, "wait look out!" she shouted, hawks tilted his head, "look...out?" he turned, finally seeing the ravenette come into the light, "look out for what?" he asked, "maybe there's something in the dark?" dabi asked him making hawks' shrug, "hmm, what is it that you're afraid of, nai?"  he asked her, and she finally caught on, her body stuttering as she backed into the furthest corner from them, but even then she peered behind her shoulder to see behind her for anything else, "but you're a hero. he's a-" her head fell into her hands, "no-no-no, please hawks, i can't be here. i need to go, i promise i won't tell anyone, just please, please, please. let me go." she pleaded, making the two men look at each other with a fake thought, "you think we can trust her?" asked dabi,

hawks brought a hand to cup his cheek, "gosh, i don't know." he knelt down, placing his hand on his knees to match his eyes to hers, "you won't tell a soul?"

she shook her head without a wasted second, "not one, not one at all..promise." she bit her lip nervously, as there was a silence consuming the room before a raspy laugh broke out, "alright hawks' quit fucking around with the hostage." he stepped away, hawks stood still, further inspecting nai, she was paler than usual, "when was the last time you've eaten?" he asked making nai blink in confusion, "the afternoon." she said blandly, hawks turnt his head to glare at the villain who just shrugged in response, "allergies?"


"medical conditions?" dabi rasped, and she hesitated, "you're only harming yourself." hawks stood, approaching the table with a wide range of weapons laid out, dabi gave him a long stare, trying to find out what the blonde was thinking knowing he wouldn't say a thing to him on his plan that didn't concern the villain's presence.

"anxiety, i...i take medications." she finally said, hawks approached her again to talk, making dabi quirk a brow at his behavior.

he took care of his hostages, he wondered if the blonde even planned to let her go as well, because even if he played the part of a heartless killer disguised in a hero's costume, there was a part of him that seemed to fit the role. Hawks approached him, shaking a bottle in hand that he grabbed from a cabinet, "give her these at the certain times i placed down for you, and don't forget them."

"why do you care so much?" dabi asked with pure curiosity, hoping for a more reasonable response he instead got, "don't question me, everything i'm doing is apart of the plan, stick to your part." with that, he marched off leaving the villain with a list of written instructions,

person 1.

. suffers from anxiety, treat with two pills a day. one in the morning and one at night.
. give them food of choice,
. do not speak with them for anything else.

"fuck you, hawks," dabi thought hearing the blonde leave with a slam of the door, "why are you helping him?" nai spoke into the dark, she hugged her legs to her chest tightly before continuing, "if anything,...i thought you were the one in charge." she was met with silence, so she just nodded understandingly,

"i can't really go anywhere, so whenever your willing to talk, i'm listening."

dabi knew better, he wasn't new to a hostage trying to squeeze their way out, so instead he scoffed, "drop the act, you're lucky your not the person of interest here." she glared at the direction the voice came, "fuck you. i was being nice, and what do you know. i'm probably worth more than whoever you two idiots are after," she huffed, and a chuckle past by his lips, "you're just a tiny piece, compared to them."

"how would you know?" she smirked, "didn't birdy ignore all your precious questions?"

"maybe. but, look who's in the cage instead of them."

© -Dxliqhted

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