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YOUR hand lifts to hastily wipe your tears, "hawks!" you push a smile, rushing to the window and lift it for his entry, "what are you doing here? i was just getting ready." his frown grew, "y/n your crying." his hands reach for your face, a thumb brushing past your darkened cheeks to clear the tear trail, "you don't have to pretend around me, i'm not like your friends.." he sits more comfortably at the window sill once he sees you begin to tear up at the word 'friend'.

a sob breaks from you with a shake and suddenly your caged in warmth, "shh..." he soothes, his lips pressed to your head, inhaling your scent. "do you wanna talk about it.." he whispers, you shake your head, resting it into his chest and he gets the message.

a few minutes go by and your both seated on the couch, trapped in a comfy silence with each others presence. your rest comfortably onto him, playing with the fur lining of his coat, as played he with the soft tresses of your hair, "sorry for this..." you speak, your voice soft and quivering as it laced with sorrow, "i know you just came out if work and now this..." your eyes widened and lifted to look at him, puffy and red, "the movie, miruko-" "she canceled a few minutes before i got here." your body noticeably relaxed, one of his raised to cup your face,

"relax, i've gotten everything taken care of." he smiles softly, your eyes close and another tear escapes, "oh, hawks.." your head falls to his chest again and he rubs soothing on your back, "i feel so lost..." you sniffle and before he could answer, your phone vibrates with a call on the coffee table beside the two of you, the name 'Nai' lighting the screen. "important?" hawks voices but all you do it rush off him and to the phone, "N-Nai?" you answer instantly, the other line breaks and scuffles are heard before a sharp scream enters, 'wait-wait, please—i didn't do anything wrong, please!' the feminine voice pleads and you could only pick it out to be hers, 'what part of no phones did you not understand?' a rasp voice then says after filled with utter annoyance, a large slam of an object is heard followed with a sharp yell of fear again, 'pleasepleaseplease, no! PLEASE, Y/N'

the line beeps with its end and you freeze, "y/n?"

"y/n." his voice calls again but your still frozen, once his hand falls on your shoulder you begin to shake again, "hey-hey.." he stands to kneel beside you, bring you back into his embrace, once your shield away, he glares at your phone.

it was a simple job. and now he'd have to come up with something else to distract you. a perfect plan ruined.

his phone shakes in his pants pocket with new messages and his ear piece voices, 'unknown number said, "shit. please tell me she didn't hear that."'

© -Dxliqhted

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