937 32 11

—SUNDAY, 9:50 AM

YOUR eyes fluttered open to see the blonde sitting down on the floor, his body shifting against the bed as he searches for comfort in his slumber. you can't help but smile, he came back, and he didn't pass any boundaries. you shifted more to your side accidentally stirring him back awake, "shit, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to wake you." you murmured, he shifted on his side—lightly shaking his head, wordlessly saying he didn't mind, "good morning," he rasped, but you couldn't even say it back when all you thought about, "you came back..." was his return like he promised.

"i did promise you didn't i?" he smiled, he saw the way you hid your smile with your hands as you attempted to play it off, "that happy, huh?" he joked but you only rolled your eyes, "you have no idea.." you said carelessly before you closed your eyes with realization, "you know because,...of the case.." you added slowly, making his brows furrow,

you couldn't be...no. maybe?

"are you using your friends case as a reason to see me?" he quirked a brow, that sounded bad especially for you, but he couldn't help the smile that spread wider onto his lips, "no, that'd be wrong, and heartless." you said, nodding as if to agree with yourself, "very wrong."

"but then again..." you bit your lip as you thought, "you're also here with me...so aren't you doing that too?", hawks couldn't help the way his cheeks darkened, he almost forgot about what he was supposed to prepare for, he started the mental countdown, 3...

"god, i mean maybe i'm the bad friend." 2...

"fuck i haven't even checked the news yet," 1..

your phone shakes with a new notification, making your brows quirk, "funny i thought i turned all my alerts off if it wasn't from..." your eyes widen and you scramble, hawks' only watches you, as you reach for the nightstand.

the post was simple, and scheduled for the morning just like all of nai's other posts exactly at 10 am. before coming in, he schedule a row of posts to make her seem busy,

'could never go wrong with a quick expresso in the city of love.' paired with an obnoxious amount of tags all related to paris, because nai was for all everyone knew, in paris. running away from all other responsibilities she had here, including her friends. "that self-absorbed little-" your eyes filled with flames, and hawks couldn't say he hated it, he was gonna be seeing it a lot,

nai's phone shook with notifications in his pocket, "i'm so sorry, i'll be right back." he walked off to the bathroom, pulling her phone out to be met with texts with all three of the friends including you,


'you: expresso in the city of love? really? screw you, nai."

'estelle: here we are thinking "oh no shes missing, quick! search for her" and looky here, she's living it off in paris. jump off a cliff.'

'willow: omg glad you're alive!'
'oh wait nvm just found out we're supposed to be mad, hope you choke on a baguette xoxo'


he hears you groan and decides to step out, "guess i'm not a bad person after all." you huff, stealing a glance at him as he stands at the door frame to your room, the double doors spread widely allowing the sun to enter from the windows behind him, lighting around his head like a halo, "your got comfy.." he's not in his hero uniform anymore, instead in a loose shirt and pants that still however made him look stunning, like he was doing the pieces of clothes a favor by wearing them.

"i thought i'd be here for longer giving how yesterday went, but it looks like it's already solved?" he played the part well, the good guy, partly doing what he knew was right but also looking completely oblivious even if he knew more on than anyone else would ever know on you and well, anything that revolved you.

"that doesn't mean it has to change..i mean, you staying longer." you sat up, looking at him curiously, "besides i could use the company..unless you,"

"i don't." he answered the question before you could even ask it you gave a short giggle before clearing your throat, "great, in that case.." you stood and walked up to him, looking down at his feet before slowly looking up, "help me with breakfast?" you asked shyly,

a laugh broke out from him, "you want me to help?" "can't the number three hero help a poor girl out? you must be good at cooking." you deadpanned and he slowly shook his head, "i'm not." he winced silently, "another rumor in the trash." you sighed, wrapping your hand around his wrist and dragging him to the kitchen, "rumors?" his eyes widen only making you break out with laughter, "there's a lot of things online about you." you shrug casually, finally reaching the fridge, "like what? spill it." he nudges you, now things were interesting, you were chatting, you were smiling, laughing, all because of him. if he could fight off the smile beaming on his face, he would but he couldn't, because only you made him feel this way.

"hmm well, fan-fiction." you said, placing a bag of bread in his hands while you rummaged your fridge, there was a silence that filled the room before he spoke again with caution, "how bad was it?"

you pushed a package of eggs towards you, "i have high expectations for you."

he bursted out in laughter, "high expectations?"  you look up to see him raise a brow at you, "i'm really saying everything out loud today.."
he smiled, bringing the ingredients to toast on the counter, "i'll meet your expectations." he opened the packagings, and got to work with what he already knew,

just how he was going work his way down anything that brought you harm or even a tear to your eye, because right now, with your parted lips and wide eyes glued to him is how he always wanted you to be, he wanted you to be—content.

your began to phone ring,

but, then they got in the way,

and they ruined it, "pierce.." you huffed,


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