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—FRIDAY, 8:10 PM

THE moon lighted in the inky sky signaling the end of the day. The slender blond heaved an exaggerated sigh, "no-no...this is all wrong." He pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment leaving the rest of you in question. From what you'd seen the two models had been doing great so far! even Pierce, as much as you hated to admit— wasn't acting like your ex but, more of a friend with a conversation or two.

you also hated to admit how butterflies didn't fail to flutter in your stomach at just seeing him. you hated it. mentally kicking yourself for still not getting over the past relationship. While Hawks stood beside him confidently as a proud hero should, your once smile on your lips faded at a realization. maybe it was best to keep things between you and Hawks casual.

"Y/n ! what did you think? Looked pretty good huh?" pierce said as the photographer took a minor break, allowing him to come over to you, "Yeah, the photos are coming out really good!" You smiled, your arms crossed over your chest as you stared at the small screen displaying the newly taken photos.

"Oh." He started, "No, I meant me. Don't I look amazing?" he smirked, as he starred at the screen with narrow eyes. You smile faltered, "a-ah, yes that..too."

his head snapped in your direction with raised brows in amusement, "oh~? Don't tell me your falling for me again..." he neared your face making you quickly back away at the action. "no..i don't think so-"

he laughed as he trapped you between his arms. "where do you think your going?" He spoke darkly, making an audible gulp emit from you.


You were blinded, you searched for company and were willing to take any you could get. Pierce, even being your ex was no exception.

I watched your moves distinctly, seeing how you attempted to push him away, yet didn't move yourself.

The look in your eyes was something I was familiar with, your searched for something more than company.

you searched for a partner. love.

"alright, final shots before we finish for the day!" The photographer spoke making pierce part from you.

only difference was, I already found it. And was willing just about anything to get you to see it as well...

"Pierce! How about some drinks after this? on me." my hand lifting to grip his shoulder tightly making a shaky chuckle escape his lips, "..tight..grip there man- b-but sure! Why not.." he spoke making me smile in sheer delight.

"great, see you then."

© -Dxliqhted

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