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YOUR, eyes moved through each word of the book,  so devoted to the plot and almost forgetting the reason you went back to the shop until you heard the familiar voices.

"But then she said, she was pregnant.." Nai gossiped, her hair black and short into a bob that cupped her pale skin, having a fresh shade of cherry colored lip gloss with big round glasses resting on the tip of her nose, hiding her narrow eyes.

"with gracie's husband?-"another interjected, surprised with the new information,  Willow and Nai were opposites, in features—her eyes large and round, with green irises and freckles that decorated her face. her long blonde tresses always straightened and reached right above her hip, never daring to cut it off.

  "who's gracie?" a firm voice questioned, gathering the attention of all three of you, her presences formed a smile onto your lips, Estelle. she was beyond the term, beautiful. she had long dark curls that bounced with each of her well placed steps, her eyes a perfect shape to show off her long eyelashes and hazel eyes. her rounded lips always coated with a clear gloss and light to no makeup on her brown skin. she was your closest friend, maybe even the realist you had..

"y/n!" she smiled, making a tiny run to you so she didn't fall with her heels, "our little designer.." she cooed, her arms embracing you warmly, "how are you? is everything, okay?" she formed a look of concern as she backed away and held your chin up for her, but before you could answer Nai interrupted with a look of disgust, "oh no..i know that face."

"what face?"

Willow looked you up and down with a clueless smile as she looked back at Nai, "i don't get it." "she got those hopeless eyes..like when she was dating pierce." Nai explained, her voice turning with animosity around the word 'pierce.'  they all turn to you with raised brows, causing your eyes to widened, "w-well he was at my photoshoot-" they all sighed, "y/n, honey. sweety...how do i put this nicely for you..." Estelle cupped your hands and brought you down to the chair next to hers, "he's a cheater." Nai interrupted, making them all nod, "not even that good in bed." willow added making your brows furrow, "how would you know..."

their eyes widened and their heads slowly turn to the blonde, "its..all..in the looks!" she blurted, a fake laugh echoing past her until Nai stepped onto her foot making her cough into silence.

"so...designs..." estelle smiled, attempting to break the ghostly silence, "oh! well i've been working on this s-"

"oh my god, you won't believe what happened at the bar today." Willow squeaked, her phone shaking with each tap of her finger against the glowing screen, and once again your left out the conversation.

your lips pursing with an urge to leave but you couldn't think of anything else to do. "y/n. what do you think, too small?" Willow points her phone at you to show the revealing photo making your eyes scurry away, "willow, what the hell." "what? maybe he is.."

"wait..ew is that the subway doors in the back." Nai picked, as she and the blond continued to go back an forwards, Estelles face merges into disgust, "okay, moving on." she rolls her eyes, "y/n." she calls making you blink towards her, "i need you to promise me something."


"don't get back with pierce." she pointed her pinky out cueing a pinky promise but when you looked into her eyes you could feel the daggers she was sending, the smile wasn't fooling anyone, "sure." your finger wrapped around hers and she tilted her head to the side locking eyes with the winged man on the building roof, she pursed her lips and blinked away.

y/n, you need to get better friends.

a red feather landed onto your lap making you smile, standing to collect your stuff once the feather was making a beeline down the street, "i'll see you guys around.." you rush not even giving them a second look making them scoff and shake their heads, "well. there she goes your little y/n." Nai sneered to Estelle who kept watch of your every step and only hummed in response, "running off into trouble."


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