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YOUR feet were getting heavier along with your pants for air as you chased the red feather that had no intention of slowing down, it was becoming nearly unbearable, your throat feeling rough with each harsh swallow of air, "woah, easy.."a soft voice spoke, an extended hand on resting your stomach to stop you as you turned the corner, your heart leaped with fear before seeing the face clearer, "Hawks," you huff, resting your hands on your knees to catch your breath, "you scared me." his worried expression drops as you look away, switching to one of amusement as he looked down on you. "I saw you from above, you didn't seem to be having the best time.." your head lifts to look at him and his expression falls once more to one of sympathy and concern, you smile kindly, "well if im being honest it wasn't so—your right..." he nodded and turned to face the sidewalk, a feather dashed in front of your face and pointed in his direction for you to follow, "but they're your friends aren't they?"

you sighed, tucking and loose strands of hair back in place, "they are. closest ones i got." your voice wasn't cheery as it usually was it was honest, you were upset, "that's sad." he spoke blandly with a deadpan making you lightly laugh at his comment, "what? me having only three friends or them being super bad ones and my closest?" he turned his head to you with wide eyes, "both." "yeah? okay, how many friends you got?"

his brows furrowed, "lots."

"name one."

he stopped walking and silence filled the air, "...endeavor." a laugh broke out, and he stared at you with crossed arms but begrudgingly let a smile spread on his lips, "its true!" he argued, "didn't he get caught pushing you out of his agency window by the press...." your hand clutched your stomach seeing hawks' expression drop, "that was a bad day." before you could even get another laugh out he pressed a finger to your lips,

"listen, he may seem like a tough guy, but he's just a big softy on the inside." a brow lifted in question and he smiled, "umm, oh-what type of coffee do you think he drinks?" he asked, letting you speak once more with a winning smile, "easy, pitch black and empty." "wrong. double chocolate chip crème frappe with extra whip cream on top." he stated swiftly and proudly, "thats sounds overly sweet..." you grimaced, but his smile never faltered, his hands resting on his hips confidently, "seeee not everyone knows these things—only friends do." your eyes narrowed and his wings drooped, "and that agency thing was because i placed endhawks stickers on his office windows..." he said in almost a whisper but once you cackled he became flustered, "i lost a bet to miruko!" he shut his eyes with embarrassment, a hand rubbing the back of his neck but you bumped his shoulder with yours to catch his attention and continued walking, "it seems like a fun time at least," you cheered and he beamed instantly, "it was.—hey, how about you join us today? me and miruko have a movie night planned later tonight at my place, it'd be great to have you there.." a light coat of pink tinted his cheeks and you tilted your head to the side, "are you sure..i don't want to intrude or anything.." you fiddle with your sleeves,

"of course, i'm sure she'll like you just as much as i do." he assured, handing you a post-it with his a series of digits, that you made out to be a number because of the area code at the beginning. "did you have this ready-"


. . .

"dammit y/n pick up the phone.." the ravenette grumbled, aggressively pressing onto the phone screen before bringing it to his ear once more,

'please leave your message after the beep-' 

"come on!" he grit through his teeth, "fuck! why isn't anyone answering the damn phone." his hand combed through his disheveled hair,

"keep quiet would you? you sound crazy." a raspy voice spoke making pierces head dart to the opposite end of the alleyway, "h-huh?" he stepped back once he saw the azure orbs that seemed to illuminate in the darkness of the long passageway, "pierce correct?" the raspy voice spoke once more, "uh..yeah..how'd you-?"  "i got a message to pass onto you, you have two options." the raspy voice got closer with pats of his shoes against the concrete floor that echoed with each move, "one, you obey and turn your head the other way."


Pierce audibly gulped, pressing up closely to the brick wall while still attempting to act smug, "two, you disobey and attend larger consequences." the lurking man spoke calmly, pierce chuckled, "listen you got the wrong guy, okay? i don't get involved with any of those crazy chics. if it happens to be a obsessed one you know just tell her-"  a flame sparked before him, a blue one to exact. its color bright and strong as it danced between the bi-colored palm. "H-HEY, EASY OKAY?" pierce scuffled back but it was a dead end.

"listen asshole, i don't have the time for this, just shut up and let me finish. i could careless about your pathetic life." the man groaned, once there was silence he continued, "y/n  l/n. stay away from her."


"do i need to repeat myself?" the flame sparked again making pierce yelp again, "N-NO N-NO, ITS JUST..." he gulped again, "i-is she in trouble?..." the man stayed silent, "just do as your told. your every move is being watched." the raspy voice said decreasing with volume, the flame shuttered off,

"pick wisely."

© -Dxliqhted

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