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—FRIDAY, 2:00 PM

YOU, grabbed your coffee flashing the barista a smile that you swore made his cheeks darken, you tend to have that affect on people, or at least you were told..

sitting down at the round outdoor tables, as you took out a book to read for the afternoon before going out to get another. If it was one thing you loved it had to be books, how they were so perfectly written with such words your mind could simply not registered,

words so powerful and so sweet.

a good drama and romance was always a good option. you sighed contently as you took a sip of the warm drink, letting your eyes drift to read the detailed line, unbeknownst of the blonde that leaned on the building on the opposite side of the street,

his cap downward as his wings twitched as the we're bonded to his back, a quick flight to a dollar store before you could flee helping him pull of such actions.

ah, so you liked romances with a touch of drama? not bad taste if you asked him, flutters overcame his stomach. You were already so perfect, he was sure to memorize the title for future references.

now to approach you, he hummed. quite the task to complete and still remain with hidden intents, though looking at it from a normal point of view,

It would be normal to meet someone on a stroll to a café.

with similar interests.

His hands buried deep into his pockets as he walked down the street, seeing the entrance of the cafe, he turned to the outdoor seating area, to be met with you once more.

He swore his heart rate was picking up again, he was so close to you, he was practically getting jitters, but it was to late now!

"Is that --[favorite book]?" he stopped and asked, seeing how your head raised and smiled at him with a nod, "it is! Do you read it?" you asked to which he beamed warmly at you as he nodded, you were so much better in person, the smell of your perfume coating the air around you, how your smile and features were so much better up close..

You were a sight for sore eyes..and he wished to whisk you away to make you to hide you from all eyes all except his.

"Yes! I do, you can never go wrong with this book.." He shrugged seeing you let an amazed chuckle, "thats what I'm saying!— uh..Please! —join me, its rare to find a person with such similar interest.." he smiled,

"I'd love too."


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