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—FRIDAY, 11:30AM

YOU, walked out the lobby of your building to be revealed to the busy streets of the city only steps away. The chatter, the smell of the food carts nearby and the chilly winter air sent a wave of happiness coursing throughout your body. Something about the city, felt like home. Its always been a dream to live in those high rise penthouses to get the amazing view.

and you were with the help of your, "y/n ! what are you wearing? Come here let me fix your hat."


"I'm fine..i told you I'd be fine..." you smiled at her as the short women looked at you with a saddened expression, "no. auntie-" you shook your head already prepared as she frantically fanned her hands around her face.

"Is that- your growing up so fast..." her voice shook as she lifted her head up, "..and my mascara is going to be ruined.."

You snickered, "alright come on your taxis waiting."

. . .

The blond took a seat with a groan, opening his paper bag to reveal the white container filled with the hot yakitori chicken, he smiled, bringing the meat to his lips as he took a large bite, kicking his feet as they dangled over the edge, while his eyes watched below. Ready to lift at the sight of a crime about to take place. But his attention was momentarily taken by a distant laugh, it sounded so nice.

He looked in the direction, taking another bite as he did. Your hair flowing perfectly in the wind, as your voice flowed so perfectly off your plump lips as they caged your beautiful, warm smile.

who were you?

He's never felt this way for anyone, he wasn't taught to..

He's been around gorgeous women, models and celebrities but god, you?

you were something different, something he wanted. Peoples gazes would even soften at you, as you smiled at them, wishing them a good morning as you past down the street.

you looked around his age, not a wrinkle in sight but mature to be an adult. He patrols this spot frequently, but he's never seen you.

Could he have missed you? No, impossible. You had to be new to the city. He places his tray of chicken to the side as he begins to observe you more.

He wondered so many things,

What was your favorite book? Were you into romance? Mystery? Comedy? Poems?Or a bit of everything? 

Your hobbies, favorite color, you'd look really nice in red..

He blinked as he saw you turn a corner, away from his view.

no,no, no... his mind repeated, as he quickly got up walking down the building ledge as his eyes glued to you, seeing how you entered a small coffee shop, before his vision blurred.

he groaned, batting his eyes open to see how he fell and landed on a empty box, now squished underneath him as tiny eyes and meows approached him.

He was falling for you.

Quite literally.

© -Dxliqhted

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