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YOU finally fell asleep, and he could dry your tears for the last time knowing no more would escape for a while. he shifted you, bringing you closer to him to hook his arms around you, lifting you and bringing you to your bed.

he covered you, a hand caressing the side of your face as he admired you a moment more. he was here, he was finally here. he was in your apartment, beside you, and you trusted him to fall asleep with him. he was getting closer...

but then there were issues, pierce came back and he brought fear upon you, he didn't like that. in fact, pierce was given a warning, technically he still came back.

hawks stood up, pushing his coat and heading towards the window, he wasn't thinking clearly he had only one thing on his mind, you and murder.

he was going to open the window before he heard a grumble behind him, "hawks?" you rose, rubbing your eyes to see him clearer, "you're leaving?" you seemed so sad, he hated it, he despised it.

"i'm going to go place a report on your friend's case, i'll be back, promise."

he approached you again, you smiled, "you don't have to stay, i'll be fine."

"do you want me to leave?" he asked, and you slowly shook your head, "i like your company.."

he smiled, "then i'll stay.." his voice was so soft and sweet towards you, his forehead pressed lightly against yours before he got up again, "go back to sleep, okay? i'll be back when you wake up.."

you hummed and fell back to your pillow, "you promised me. don't break it please.."

"wouldn't even think about it, princess."

the window flew open and he soared, the opposite direction from his agency, he'd have to keep up with another lie, you're friends will never be found. it will never haunt you that was his plan,

now, it was nai and pierce. but most importantly,

"c'mon steph...just another night? you owe me one remember?"

hawks stood on pierces balcony, hearing through the open doors, "fine, but give me a call tomorrow then? i miss you.."

sick bastard.

once pierce hung up he scoffed, "what a bitch.."

"that's no way to talk about a woman." hawks said making the ravenette jump, "h-hawks?"

"one and only. listen..." hawks invited himself in, sitting on the couch beside the frightened pierce, "i need a favor from you," hawks looked over to him seeing as pierce straightened, "okay..."

"this is your last warning, stay away from y/n. and save yourself from terrible consequences."

pierce stands up, "w-wait, you-"

hawks shrugs, "i'm only here to deliver the message, take it and go on with your life, or attend consequences."

"what consequences? what the fuck is up with these warnings? tell me things straight if you're going to say anything at all!" pierce yelled, and hawks stood calmly, approaching the ravenette to firmly grip his shoulder,

"do you not have any fear for your life at all?" hawks smiled, his grip tightening with each breath, "my words were simple to understand weren't they?"

pierce winced and nodded, hawks let go, "go back and i'll know, do not play with your choices if you really value your life."

hawks took off, a wicked smile plastered on his face as he flew to his apartment, pierce was very narrow-minded, he'd do what he did today again, then hawks can finally get you to move on from him. once and for all.

© -Dxliqhted

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