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It was another game against Slytherin, the wind was freezing, and snow was blowing in my face. Please hurry up and find that snitch, Harry. We've already been out here for an hour. I silently begged.

In the meantime I passed around the quaffle, scored a few points, and was as careful as I could be during this game. With Snape refereeing this game, he is calling every single little thing the Gryffindor team does wrong. Of course, Slytherin is fine, no matter how illegal the things they do are.

"This weather is horrible!" I yelled to Harper as we stopped for a quick break.

"Let's just hope Harry finds that snitch and fast!" Fred yelled joining us.

"Come on! We got to get out there!" Harper instructed us. Fred and I nodded to each other and sped off.

I stopped in the middle of the field to search for the quaffle, when someone zoomed in front of me, knocking me off balance. I flipped on my broom before trying to gain my balance again. The same person came back, but now they hit my broom. I fell off and quickly grabbed ahold of my broom, leaving me dangling on the cold, slippery broom in the middle of the field.

This time I got a clear view of his face.

"Draco!" I yelled at him. He laughed and quickly flew away.

I felt my fingers start to slip and I couldn't hold on much longer. I let out a scream as my hand slipped off.

I quickly landed on a broom and made eye contact with Fred. He helped me back to my broom and I hopped back on.

"Thanks." I sighed.

"No pro-" he began.

Snape began to blow the whistle loudly and multiple times and I looked down at the field to see one of our players on top of Slytherin player.

Fred and I flew as fast as we could to go see what was happening.

"Looks like number 5 for the Gryffindor team, George Weasley, just tackled number 7 for the Slytherin team, Draco Malfoy." Lee Jordan announced. Son of a bitch. Wait no, don't do Molly like that! That bastard.

I hopped off my broom quickly and ran over to where Snape was trying to break up a fight.

"You son! Of! A! Bitch!" George yelled with every punch he threw.

"George, get off of him!" I screamed grabbing his arm and pulling him off of Draco.

"You're insane!" Draco yelled scrabbling to his feet.

"You could have seriously hurt her!" George yelled right back.

"Enough!" Snape yelled. "Game over. Gryffindor forfeits, Slytherin wins." He said coldly before walking away.

I grabbed my broom and walked into the locker room in a big huff.

"You okay?" Harper asked coming up next to me.

"I'm fine. You win the bruise contest, I forfeit, just like we had to forfeit the game!" I said raising my voice and glaring at George who just walked in.

"Listen, it's not my fault he hit you! It's not his job to attack the chasers!" He raised his voice at me.

"Are you kidding me!? You attacked a 15 year old boy! It's not your job to protect me anymore!" I yelled and turned around and walked away. I expected to see everyone's eyes on us, but no one was in there anymore but George and I.

George grabbed my hand and spun me around right into him.

"Listen, I-" we were supper close. What's going on? Does he want me back? Is that what I want? "I'm sorry. But I still care about you, you're still my friend, and I want to protect you."

"We aren't even that great of friends anymore." I sighed and looked down.

"Please, I can't lose you as a friend too. I'm still going to protect you, no matter what."

"I don't need you to protect me." I stated sharply before stepping back, turning around, and walking away.

I don't need him to protect me. I can protect myself perfectly fine.

Who am I kidding? Of course I wish he would ask me to come back to him. But I'm not sure if I could handle having to get over him again. Maybe this is for the best? Of course it's going to hurt. We just broke up. If he asked me to go back to him, I'd probably say yes, but he won't. That's the problem.

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