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George's POV

I burst through the door to the infirmary, Fred by my side, Hermione and Harry standing in the middle of the room and Ron laying in a bed, completely confused.

"Where's Josie? Is she okay?" I asked scared for the answer I didn't want.

"You don't know where she is?" Hermione asked.

"We assumed she was fine and with you guys." Harry said. My heart sank into my stomach.

"Let's go see Lupin!" Fred said. The four of us ran to Lupin's classroom and burst in.

"Professor!" Harry called out.

"Yes?" He said come out from his office. "I'm fine don't worry. How's Josie? Is she okay? I don't know what happened to her after, you know."

"Oh my God." Hermione said stumbling back.

"What?" Lupin asked. "Is Josie alright?"

"We have to find her! I can't have my last words to her be that I hate her!" I was panicking.

"I'm sure she's fine! Calm down." Fred said. "What happened? What is the 'you know'?"

"I-I'm... a werewolf and yesterday was a full moon. I turned- and it's black from there." Lupin explained hanging his head in shame.

"It's not your fault Professor." Hermione said.

"Come on then. We got to find her." Harry said.

"Split up." Lupin said.

I started running around the woods searching for Josie. Come on I have to find her. I ran faster than I ever had before.

What if I already passed her? What if she's lying awake, unable to call out to me, in pain, and I passed right by her? I saw a big lump at the bottom of a tree, snapping these thoughts out of my mind.

"Josie?" I asked walking toward it. I got closer and saw that it was her. "Josie!" I ran up to her and rolled her on her back. Her head was bleeding a bit and so was her arm from two giant scratch marks on her left arm.

"Wake up! Please!" I shook her gently. I brushed her hair out of her face with my hands, and took the edge of my sleeve and wiped her bleeding head. I tried blinking away the tears that had appeared in my eyes, trying to keep my vision from going blurry.

"Come on Josie! Wake up! This isn't how it's supposed to go! You can't leave me after all the things I said to you! You can't leave me at all. I can't lose you!" I cried. Maybe I wasn't just scared to lose her as a friend. Maybe I loved her more than I thought. I can't focus on that right now.

"George?" I heard a name call out. I looked up and saw Fred.

"Fred! Help me! She won't wake up! Please! Please- she won't wake up-" I sobbed.

"Professor! Professor!" He called out. "Check her pulse!" I reached and out my fingers on her neck and felt it thump. Thank God.

"Her hearts beating!" I tried to stop crying but I couldn't. The tears just kept coming.

"Oh my God!" Hermione gasped. "Pick her up! We have to get her to the infirmary!" Hermione commanded.

I picked her up bridal style and Hermione and I started off to the infirmary.

"Help! Help! Madam Pomfrey!" Hermione called out when we got to the infirmary.

"Bloody hell!" Ron said.

I laid Josie on the bed and Madam Pomfrey shooed Hermione and me out. Lupin, Harry, and Fred joined us shortly and we explained that we couldn't go in.

"Don't worry everyone, she's in good hands. She'll be okay." Hermione reassured us all.


Josie's POV

"Mhmm." I said rubbing my eyes. I was immediately met with arms wrapped around me. I opened my eyes and saw George hugging me. "George?"

"I'msosorry! Inevershouldhavesaidthoswawfulthingstoyou! Pleaseforgiveme!" He said hurriedly.

"Slow down!" I laughed.

"I'm so so sorry! I'm sorry for every little thing that I ever said to hurt you! Please don't leave me!" I hugged him back tight.

"I could never stay mad at you. And please, you should know better by now that you can't get rid of me that easily." He laughed along with me.

"Josie!" I heard Fred say as I heard the pitter pat of his feet and the impact when he hugged me and George both. I couldn't help but laugh. Soon they let go and Ron, Harry, and Hermione came to see me.

"Can I talk to Josie for a second?" Harry asked and everyone took the hint and left.

"What's up Harry?" I asked.

"Listen, Pettigrew escaped, and we had no way to prove your dad innocent, so he's currently on the run again. We can write him letters and stuff, but we can't live with him." He explained.

"We?" I asked. "Where you planning on staying with us?" He nodded. "Oh Harry!" I hugged him tight. "I'm sorry. I know how horrible your aunt and uncle are. I'm sure we could convince Remus to let you stay with us! Come on let's go right n-"

"No, no. You stay here. You need your rest. And I'll be fine. Really." He assured me.

"I'm sorry Harry. If you need anything, I'm always here for you. No matter what. If it's help on a test or even if you can find your sock, I'm always here. And don't hesitate to come to me."

"Will do." He smiled.

I waited for him to leave and I quickly got out of bed and went to Remus' classroom, and up into his office.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Packing my things." He replied.

"You're leaving?"

"Yes. After what happened I realized I am not suited to teach. I am also not suited to be your guardian." He said avoiding my gaze.

"Excuse me? Are you trying to get rid of me?" I acted offended.

"Josephine. This is serious."

"If it's so serious then why aren't you looking at me?"

"Because I'm ashamed of what I did! I hurt you!" He looked up and there was a tear falling down his face.

"Just because I may have physical cuts and bruises doesn't mean I'm hurt. If you don't want to hurt me, then you can't give up being my guardian. It was one time you forgot to drink your potion! And everything was fine but dad attacked you thinking it was dangerous. Everyone else is fine! Remus John Lupin you can't not leave me! And I'm not leaving! We are family! You're my family." I said tears coming down my face as well. He came over and gave me a big hug.

"I love you. You are my family." I said.

"I love you too." He gave me a fatherly hug.

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